Avocados, bananas, pistachios or carrots Valuable power for the healthy heart

Avocados, bananas, pistachios or carrots Valuable power for the healthy heart / Health News

Potassium-rich foods protect the heart and arteries

The mineral potassium can not only counteract high blood pressure, but also protect the heart and arteries. A nutritional supplement is usually not necessary for this. Foods such as bananas, carrots or avocados are good sources of potassium.

Potassium for hypertension

People with high blood pressure are at an increased risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack. Among other things, to reduce blood pressure you should avoid overweight, move regularly, stop smoking and eat a healthy diet. Very important here is: salt only in moderation. A high salt diet can increase blood pressure. A high-potassium diet, on the other hand, can counteract hypertension. Because the mineral is considered as the opponent of "bad" sodium, which raises blood pressure. But potassium has even more health benefits: it can protect the heart and arteries.

High blood pressure can be counteracted by a potassium-rich diet. In addition, the mineral is good for the heart and arteries. There is a lot of potassium in fruits and vegetables like bananas, carrots and avocados. (Image: M.studio/fotolia.com)

Potassium deficiency can lead to dangerous arrhythmias

According to the German Heart Foundation, a potassium deficiency can change the so-called membrane potential of cardiac cells in such a way that the pacemaker and muscle cells in the heart become more excitable and cardiac arrhythmias are more likely to occur.

According to the experts, in the best case, only harmless extra beats (extrasystoles) occur, which manifest themselves in the form of heart stumbling, for example.

In severe cases, however, potassium deficiency can also lead to dangerous arrhythmias.

And American scientists have now found that in case of a low potassium supply, the development of atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) can be favored.

Reduced mineral intake promotes arteriosclerosis

The physicians who published their findings in the journal "JCI Insight" exclude this assumption from experiments with mice.

"We have discovered a causal link between decreased potassium intake and vascular calcification in atherosclerosis," said Yabing Chen of the University of Alabama and her colleagues.

In addition, the scientists found in their study that a potassium-rich diet can prevent hardening of the arteries.

Study author Professor Paul Sanders said in a statement that the study has great potential "as it demonstrates the benefits of adequate potassium supplementation in the prevention of vascular calcification in atherosclerosis-prone mice and the adverse effect of low potassium intake."

According to the researchers, the consumption of one banana and one avocado could already be enough to prevent many heart diseases.

Although it is important to ensure adequate potassium intake, but not too much should be included.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

The reference value for the intake of potassium set by the German Society of Nutrition (DGE) in adults is 4,000 mg.

For breastfeeding, the estimate of adequate potassium intake is 4,400 mg / day due to increased demand.

According to DGE, good potassium suppliers include vegetables and fruits such as apricots, bananas, carrots, kohlrabi, avocado and tomatoes; especially high is the potassium content in concentrated form, z. As for tomato paste or dried fruit.

Hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts and almonds, as well as dark chocolate and some types of flour (spelled, rye, buckwheat, wholemeal flour) also have a high potassium content.

Take care when taking supplements

Potassium deficiency is a common cause of potassium deficiency, such as vomiting, the use of laxatives, the use of diuretic medications or chronic diarrhea.

In addition, potassium deficiency can occur as a result of malnutrition (such as anorexia) or adrenal hyperfunction. However, potassium deficiency due to low potassium intake through diet is rare.

According to DGE, diets typically do not consume more than five to six grams of potassium per day. Dietary intake is safe with intact renal function.

"The situation is different with the intake of potassium supplements, because in a short time very high amounts of potassium can be added. The intake of potassium-containing mono-preparations should therefore only take place under medical supervision, "write the experts.

Potassium overdose can cause intestinal obstruction, muscle weakness and paralysis, respiratory failure, and cardiac arrhythmia (tachycardia), among others. (Ad)