Anti-baby pill / contraceptive pill

Anti-baby pill / contraceptive pill /

Contraceptive pill is still the most commonly used contraceptive in the world, alongside condoms, but this only prevents conception and can not prevent infections with sexually transmitted diseases. Its introduction (1960 in Germany) had far-reaching consequences on the population development, because the birth rates fell sharply abruptly. Taking the contraceptive pill is often associated with side effects ranging from harmless symptoms such as nausea or painful pleasure feeling to life-threatening thrombosis in the form of embolism.

Impurities in test: Recall for three birth control pills

Impurities detected: Recall for three birth control pills started Currently, certain batches of three birth control pills are recalled. In the drug ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data -orientation = "horizontal"> Despite Thrombosis Risk: Anti-baby pill is often prescribed

Majority Of Young Women Taking Pills At Risk Of Thrombosis Most young women who use contraceptive pills use pills ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "de" data-theme = "color" data-orientation = "horizontal"> Contraceptive pill protects against cancer according to a recent study

Birth control pill prevents countless cancer cases Although contraceptive pills in this country is one of the most popular contraceptives, but a good Ru ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Woman sued Bayer for anti-baby pill

Thrombosis Risk from Anti-Baby Pill10.07.2013Anti-baby pills have side effects. This is known since the development of the first contraceptive pill. New arrival ...
More France banned birth control pill Diane 35

France bans contraceptive pill „Diane 35“ of the pharmaceutical manufacturer Bayer31.01.2013The contraceptive pill „Diane 35“ is suspected, gef ...
More nuns without pill have a higher risk of cancer

Catholic nuns have a higher cancer risk, according to a study without an anti-baby pill09.12.2011Laut a recent in the scientific journal & ...
More Despite protest: the birth control pill will be 50 years old

50th birthday of the contraceptive pill: successful model or socially harmful 31.05.2011Fifty years ago, the contraceptive pill was approved in Germany. N ...