Anti-Bacterial Spray Chemists have not showered for more than twelve years

Anti-Bacterial Spray Chemists have not showered for more than twelve years / Health News
It sounds unbelievable and at the same time somewhat repugnant: The American David Whitlock has not showered for more than ten years. But the man is neither dirty nor surrounds him with a smelly smell, instead he looks healthy and well-groomed. How can that be? Its secret is a special spray, which decomposes, among other things, the strongly smelling ammonia in the sweat.

Daily showering is a matter of course for most people
Taking a shower is a natural morning ritual for most people to get clean and well-groomed to start the day. For the 60-year-old David Whitlock this is not true, because he has not seen a shower for a long time from the inside. "I have not showered for twelve years," the chemist said in an interview with American TV channel CBS Boston. Instead of washing with water as usual, he uses a spray twice a day containing the special bacteria "Nitrosomonas eutropha", which are found mainly in the soil and in natural waters.

Does our skin need daily showering? Image: Yeko Photo Studio - fotolia

Bacteria neutralize and protect against inflammation
This would neutralize harmful substances on the skin and decompose the strong-smelling ammonia from the sweat, there was also a protection against inflammation and acne. The idea arose when he observed horses that were rolling in the dirt, the scientist explained in an interview with Julia Scott from "New York Time Magazine". Thus, he guessed that the wallowing could have a positive effect on the sweating of the animals and then took soil samples from the barn.

In this he finally found the AOB bacterium "Nitrosomonas eutropha", which is able to decompose the stinking ammonia. To test his thesis, he sprayed the diluted with water bacteria directly on the skin and washed no longer with conventional care products. The result: Even after days he looked well-groomed and did not smell strong.

Whitlock finds support in the company "AOBiome"
Accordingly, Whitlock firmly believes that it is healthy to restore the "good" bacteria on our skin that have served our ancestors well, but have been "brushed away" over time with over-cleaning. To confirm his theory, he found support with "AOBiome," a Cambridge, Massachusetts company.

"We confused clean and sterile," said the company's marketing manager, Jasmina Aganovic, to CBS. Accordingly, it is important that people live in harmony with nature again, because the bacteria from the dirt are important for a healthy skin. "We have banished the dirt from our lives. We do not spend as much time outdoors as we used to when we were little kids, "Aganovic continues.

"Mother Dirt" is odorless and makes conventional products obsolete
Together with AOBiome Whitlock developed the cosmetics line "Mother Dirt" ("mother dirt"), to which the around 44 Euro expensive bacterial spray "AO + Mist" belongs. According to the company, this is odorless and can - used twice a day on the skin and hair - replace conventional shampoo and shower gel and support the development of a healthy skin flora.

"Our customers are able to reduce their dependence on conventional products by, for example, using deodorant or moisturizers less or not at all," says Aganovic.

Harmes showering the skin more than it does well?
The scientist with a degree from the elite Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is fully committed to his project and believes that using shower gel, shampoo and soaps will do more harm than good. "No one has scientifically studied people who take a shower every day. So where does the assumption come from that is healthy? "Says Whitlock.

Therefore, he does not shower on his own, but uses the "Mother Dirt" spray every day and hopes that the rest of the world will join him soon: "I wish that one billion people use this spray every day," said Whitlock in conversation with the CBS. (No)