Hawthorn tea - effect and application

Hawthorn tea - effect and application /
Even among the Greeks and Romans was the hawthorn as a protective plant. For example, a bush was planted outside the door to ward off harmful influences. The hawthorn tea is now widely used as a home remedy, but also in naturopathic practice - as a single drug or together with other plants.


  • General
  • Historical background
  • Magic of the plant
  • application
  • Flowers and leaves
  • Teerezepte
  • St. John's Wort
  • Motherwort
  • balm
  • lavender
  • Tea blend: hot flashes and palpitations
  • Tinctures, tablets, juice
  • The essence of hawthorn


The hawthorn (Crataegus) is a rose plant and occurs throughout Europe. It grows on roadsides, sunny slopes and hedges, shows in spring its white, lush flowers and later then its red, shiny fruits. The plant name Crataegus is a combination of the Greek word "kratos" = strength and the Latin word "ago" = lead. This indicates the very strong wood of the tree. The German word hawthorn in turn refers to the white flowers and thorns of the plant.

Hawthorn owes its name to its flower color and the long, extremely sharp thorns. Hawthorn tea is made from the flowers and leaves of the plant. (Image: M. Schuppich / fotolia.com)

Historical background

As a medicinal plant the hawthorn in ancient times played no major role. Since his wood is very hard, tool handles were often made of it. The floury fruits served as mus, as a substitute for flour and the roasted seeds as a substitute for coffee. Later, in the 19th century, the hawthorn was scientifically studied. In 1990 he became the medicinal plant of the year.

Magic of the plant

Hawthorn served to ward off evil. Especially its dense hedge, its firm growth and the thorns made the hawthorn a welcome hedge plant to ward off evil spirits. So the thorn hedge in the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty should also have been a hawthorn hedge. At that time, patients were to walk through an archway, wound with hawthorn twigs, to escape their illness. In addition, this plant was fertility in many cultures.


The hawthorn tea is a heart and circulation strengthening agent. A tea prepared from dried hawthorn blossoms and leaves is a treat especially for the elderly. Hawthorn is a protective plant for the heart. The coronary vessels benefit from a better blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the oxygen utilization. The heart muscle can work better.

Hawthorn has a positive effect on cardiac output, helps with mild cardiac insufficiency, protects the heart against stress, helps to reduce the risk of falling asleep in the climacteric, balances blood pressure - both up and down, promotes blood flow to the coronary arteries and supports the heart circulation.

Hawthorn tea is used as a natural remedy for heart problems, circulatory disorders, headaches, difficulty falling asleep and nervousness in the climacteric. (Image: unpict / fotolia.com)

Hawthorn tea is used for heart piercing, nervous heart problems, mild cardiac arrhythmias, cardiovascular disorders, feeling of pressure and tightness in the heart, headaches, migraines, difficulty falling asleep and nervousness in the climacteric.

Flowers and leaves

For the hawthorn tea both flowers and leaves can be used. They are happy to be mixed. The two components support each other in their effect. It is also good to mention that the hawthorn tea has no side effects. Although it takes some time to get started, it can bring good support in a gentle way and thus also improve the quality of life.


Hawthorn tea can be drunk without further ingredients, but can also be mixed with other plants. Depending on the symptoms, a variety of medicinal herbs may be added. Preparation: a heaped teaspoon of the dried parts of the plant is poured over with a quarter liter of boiling water. The whole thing should then draw about seven to eight minutes and is then strained. If you love the sweetness, you can add some honey. The tea is drunk two to three cups a day.

Each tea recipe should be drunk only a maximum of eight weeks in a row. After that a break is needed or the tea blend is changed.

St. John's Wort

St. John's wort relaxes, works in case of stress, anxiety, nervousness and sleep disorders. Hawthorn tea acts on nervous cardiac complaints and together with St. John's wort the user becomes calmer, more relaxed and the quality of sleep improves. Caution: Do not use St. John's wort in the summer, as this will make your skin photosensitive. Women who take the pill should also refrain from this medicinal plant, as St. John's wort may affect the effect of the pill. In this case, drink a pure hawthorn tea or mix other plants as described below.


The Herzgespannkraut is easy to lower blood pressure, soothing, helps with tachycardia and mild hyperthyroidism. At the same time, the herb is used for migraine and menopause. Especially with nervous heart problems, a combination of hawthorn and motherwort herb is recommended.


Melissa leaves are mainly used for restlessness, nervousness and stress. If the heart is involved then hawthorn can be added to the melissa leaves and a tea can be brewed from it.


Lavender is a little soul remedy. This helps with restlessness, anxiety, promotes concentration and strengthens the circulation. If, for example, tachycardia or an old-age heart is added, hawthorn tea and lavender tea can be used to create a helpful mixture.

A tea mixture of lavender and hawthorn helps against anxiety and anxiety, promotes concentration and strengthens the circulation. (Image: Dionisvera / fotolia.com)

Tea blend: hot flashes and palpitations

Hot flashes and palpitations are common during menopause. A mixture of 10 g hawthorn (leaves and flowers), 20 g pasque herb, 20 g melissa and 10 g lavender flowers will help here. The tea is prepared as mentioned above.

Tinctures, tablets, juice

Hawthorn is not only produced as tea, but also in the form of tincture, tablets and juice. Especially the tincture is an application form in which - in contrast to the hawthorn tea - the active ingredient is more concentrated.

The essence of hawthorn

Each plant has its own appearance as well as a particular being. This is the force that lies within the plant and can not be perceived from the outside. Antoine de Saint-Exuperý has coined the phrase "you only see well with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes". And so it is with every plant. In life there are always congestions, not everything is always relaxed and straightforward. The hawthorn helps us to accept the congestion and leave us to an inner guidance. Hawthorn helps us to let feelings flow again and gives us confidence. As a result, mental anxiety can resolve, pressure feelings in the heart area relax and we relax. After the cardiac output, the hawthorn is a very good long-term remedy (possibly with small breaks). (Sw)