Strong thirst; strong feeling of thirst (polydipsia)

Strong thirst; strong feeling of thirst (polydipsia) / symptoms

Extreme thirst - why is that??

Many people feel a strong thirst, they are always thirsty and have to drink something. What can this be? Thirst is felt when there is a need for water intake. In this sense, thirst regulates the fluid balance to avoid deficiencies or compensate and thus prevent dehydration. Constant heavy thirst can also be a sign of serious dysfunctions and illnesses, which can be recognized by further signs, which are explained in more detail below.


  • Extreme thirst - why is that??
  • Polydipsia - A quick overview
  • Thirst regulates the fluid balance of the body
  • Signs of dehydration
  • Low fluid intake is unhealthy
  • An abnormally strong feeling of thirst as a symptom
  • Diabetes as a cause of strong thirst
  • Abnormal thirst due to mental illness
  • Water hamming leads to polydipsia
  • Medication as a trigger for polydipsia
  • Other causes of increased thirst
  • When should a doctor be consulted??

Polydipsia - A quick overview

Thirst is a normal and important feeling to regulate the water balance in the body. Certain daily fluctuations in feeling thirsty are normal and dependent on daily diet, temperature, activity, age and fitness. So it can come even with completely healthy persons to thirst. However, if this occurs over a longer period of time, this can be a disease symptom. Here is a brief overview:

  • Signs of polydipsia: Unstillable thirst, frequent urination, thirst persists for several days, weight loss.
  • Non-illness related causesAlcohol consumption, salty food, heat, sweating, diuretic medications, physical activity, physical exertion.
  • Disease-related causes: Diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus (water hamming), certain mental illnesses, metabolic disorders, kidney disease, fever, vomiting, diarrhea.
Strong thirst due to physical exertion, high temperatures and sweating is completely normal. However, if an extreme feeling of thirst occurs for no apparent reason and lasts for days, it is often a symptom of a disease. (Image: puhhha /

Thirst regulates the fluid balance of the body

To keep the water content in the organism constant, we feel thirsty when our body has lost more than 0.5 percent of its weight in water. The water balance in healthy people is influenced by the outside temperature, diet, humidity and physical activity. Our brain constantly monitors the right level. If certain substances are too concentrated in the blood, the brain triggers the feeling of thirst to keep the water balance at the best possible level.

Signs of dehydration

The feeling of thirst therefore warns at an early stage of the danger of dehydration (dehydration). But old people and children often ignore their thirst and drink too little. If no new fluid is ingested or continues to be released in large quantities (for example due to excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhea), it can cause typical discomfort due to dehydration. The lack of fluid manifests itself to a certain degree by dry mucous membranes, a dry throat, a cracked tongue with bark-like coating and stagnant skin folds. Typical symptoms of dehydration are:

  • Low blood pressure (hypotension),
  • palpitations,
  • low and high concentration urine levels,
  • fatigue,
  • weakness,
  • nausea,
  • difficulty concentrating,
  • Clouding of consciousness,
  • exhaustion,
  • a headache,
  • dizziness.
Headache, lack of concentration, dizziness and nausea are possible signs of lack of fluid. (Image: fotogestoeber /

Low fluid intake is unhealthy

How much water should you drink daily? First and foremost, make sure you always drink enough. By sweating, breathing and urinating about two to three liters of water are lost during the day, which must be compensated by food and especially by fluid intake again. General recommendations range from two to three liters per day. In general, it is enough to listen to his thirst and always drink when you are thirsty. But this rule does not apply to all people. Seniors and children often do not develop a real thirst. In addition, certain diseases such as diabetes often lead to an abnormally increased thirst.

An abnormally strong feeling of thirst as a symptom

When people develop a constant feeling of thirst, this is referred to medically as polydipsia. This is often a concomitant symptom of a physical illness and is associated with many patients with frequent urination (polyuria). The increased urination is then the cause of the fluid loss. Polydipsia is also a key symptom in the rare case of diabetes insipidus (water hay), a hormonal disorder that interferes with water reabsorption into the kidneys. The diseases that may indicate polydipsia are discussed below.

Diabetes as a cause of strong thirst

If the strong feeling of thirst is accompanied by an increased amount of urine (polyuria) and leads to polydipsia the other way around, diabetes mellitus should be considered. If severe thirst, polyuria and weight loss in type 2 diabetes occur at later stages, these can be typical symptoms of diabetes mellitus type 1, which develop in the first few hours to weeks. Other signs may include cravings for sweeties, nausea, fainting and loss of consciousness.

Severe thirst may indicate diabetes. (Image: nandyphotos /

Abnormal thirst due to mental illness

As a result of certain mental illnesses and psychoses, the sufferers sometimes tend to take a lot of fluids. This is the case, for example, in schizophrenia, behavioral disorders or anorexia (anorexia).

Water hamming leads to polydipsia

In the rare disease diabetes insipidus (Wasserharnruhr) is the so-called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in the pituitary gland in the center. Normally, this hormone is used only in dehydration and thirst. ADH binds to the kidney and leads to a decreased excretion of urine to retain fluid in the body. In patients with diabetes insipidus either ADH is not secreted in the brain (central form) or the docking sites in the kidneys are disturbed (renal form). The consequences are frequent urination, strong polydipsia and rapid dehydration. Those affected need to drink a lot of fluids to maintain the water balance. It can happen that a patient has to drink over 20 liters of water every day.

Medication as a trigger for polydipsia

Certain medications can cause a strong thirst. Diuretics, laxatives, cisplatin, rifampicin, aminoglycosides, glucocorticoids and antiepileptics such as carbamazepine may be considered here. Even the antidepressant lithium can cause polydipsia when taken in the first place.

Other causes of increased thirst

As a byproduct, fever or increased alcohol consumption can cause severe thirst. Certain metabolic disorders can also cause polydipsia. These include, for example, hypokalaemia (potassium deficiency) or hyperparathyroidism. Furthermore, kidney diseases are the cause in question.

On average, you should drink about two to three liters of water a day. According to experts, it is even more important to always pay attention to his thirst and drink whenever the body signals. (Image:

When should a doctor be consulted??

There are many normal conditions that temporarily cause a greater thirst than usual. This may be the case, for example, as a result of exercise, drinking alcohol, high salted foods, sweating or high outside temperatures. As a rule, this is not a cause for concern and does not require a doctor's visit. However, if the strong thirst persists for several days and is almost insatiable, add to abnormalities such as unwanted weight loss and increased urination, then a medical examination should be made. (jvs, vb; updated 18 June 2018)