Strong vomiting by Norovirus - How to protect yourself better

Strong vomiting by Norovirus - How to protect yourself better / Health News
Norovirus is particularly active this winter and also appears earlier than usual. The virus manifests itself mainly through violent vomiting and extraordinary diarrhea.

Over 5000 sufferers
The week before Christmas, there were 5289 Noro reports, according to the Robert Koch Institute. In the last waves of the virus, so in 2008/2010, there were also more than 5000 cases per week, but the disease spread in January and February.

The norovirus is mainly characterized by severe diarrhea and vomiting. (Auntspray /

An altered virus
This winter, a new variant of the virus is also being used. The immune system may find it harder to recognize this new form, and that's why more people get sick.

Is the virus dangerous??
The extreme diarrhea leads to a huge loss of fluid. Risk groups such as infants, seniors and the generally weakened are therefore at risk.

How can you protect yourself?
The best way to avoid infection is to wash your hands often. The virus transmits either in direct contact with a patient or through surfaces that have touched patients, such as sinks, door handles or toilet lids.

Even better, use wipes with disinfectants that protect against the novovirus and spray the surfaces with them.

If you care for infected people, it is best to use disposable gloves and change them several times a day.

Drink a lot?
Those affected lose a lot of fluids, and in children and the elderly, this has serious consequences for their health. You should therefore necessarily be treated in the hospital. Here an infusion in a vein can eliminate the fluid loss and at the same time provide the patients with the lost nutrients and electrolytes.

No common laundry
If someone from their family falls ill, then he definitely uses his own towels. Clean toilets, sinks, but also bathtubs, door handles and glasses if the person concerned used them.

Wash the victims' towels, clothing and comforters with as high temperatures as possible to kill the virus.

For those affected
Norovirus is highly contagious. Even if you feel healthy again. Stay home for several more days after the symptoms have resolved (Dr Utz Anhalt)