Stretch marks - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Stretch marks - Causes, Treatment and Prevention / symptoms

Stretch marks - emergence and effective removal tips

Women are a nuisance to them, and men, too, do not like going to the pool because of the "tiger skin". When the summer vacation is due, sports releases naked skin or we become intimate with the new partner, they disturb: the stretch marks. The stretch marks arise when the subcutaneous tissue of the connective tissue ruptures, because the skin is very stretched. Then stripes appear on the surface, the translucent blood makes them appear reddish-blue.


  • Stretch marks - emergence and effective removal tips
  • Stretch marks - the most important facts at a glance
  • Are stretch marks dangerous?
  • How do the cracks in the subcutaneous tissue develop??
  • Which pregnant women have a special risk?
  • Where do stretch marks occur??
  • Stretching cracks in adolescents
  • What promotes stretch marks?
  • Prevention of stretch marks
  • Remove stretch marks
  • Tattoo stretch marks

Stretch marks - the most important facts at a glance

  • Stretch marks occur when the Subcutaneous tissue of the connective tissue ruptures, because the skin is stretching very much.
  • The stripes are not dangerous, but an aesthetic problem.
  • They occur everywhere, where the tissue is heavily loaded.
  • In young people, the growth of the skin is overloaded. That's why stretch marks are common in them.
  • The skin cracks are for the most part predisposition and therefore can not be completely avoided.
  • If the stripes are there, they can not be completely removed, there are only methods that make them less noticeable.
  • Causes of stretch marks are, as the name implies: The growing belly of pregnant women, especially in twin births. Up to 90% of all pregnant women show these blue-reddish tears on the abdomen, hips, buttocks and chest.
Stretch marks are fine cracks in the subcutaneous tissue that show reddish blue. (Image: juefraphoto /

Other possible causes of stretch marks are:

  • obesity
  • a genetic connective tissue weakness (even thinning tears the subcutaneous tissue)
  • contaminated connective tissue that can no longer withstand new burdens: previous overweight, second or third pregnancies

Are stretch marks dangerous?

No. Stretch marks are scars of cracks in the tissue. They are not medically dangerous, but for some people just an aesthetic problem.

How do the cracks in the subcutaneous tissue develop??

In the ninth month of pregnancy, a woman is up to 20 kilograms heavier than before. The body therefore brings a tremendous performance. Most of the extra weight in pregnant women sits on the stomach and chest. The skin expands at these points many times over. When the weight recoils, the skin does not look like it did before.

The same is the case when people gain a lot of weight, because they absorb too much calories, move too little or suffer from diseases of the metabolism.

In pregnant women, the skin also thins by the female hormones. In this thin and stretched skin, the lower layers of the skin tear quickly. In the cracks the blood vessels shine through, and therefore those affected develop the typical "tiger pattern", ie reddish stripes on a light background.

Which pregnant women have a special risk?

Stretch marks are particularly common in young pregnant women, pregnant women with large babies and pregnant women who were previously overweight. Pregnant women who have previously had stretch marks will most likely get extra in the last few months before childbirth. Even multiple births carry an increased risk.

Where do stretch marks occur??

Stretching cracks occur where the tissue is heavily loaded. Most are the stomach, hips, buttocks and breasts. But, for example, bodybuilders often have skin tears under their armpits or biceps, so wherever they gain (muscle) weight. Obesity has nothing to do with these athletes.

The stripes occur mostly on the stomach, buttocks on the hips and on the breasts. (Image: staras /

Stretching cracks in adolescents

About 70% of girls and 40% of boys in puberty have stretch marks, usually on the chest, legs or buttocks. With them, the young skin is overwhelmed. The growth spurts during puberty and heavy weight fluctuations cause subcutaneous injuries and connective tissue does not regenerate sufficiently.

What promotes stretch marks?

In addition to weight gain and subsequent dermal expansion, other factors may also promote subcutaneous rupture. These include: A deficiency of vitamin E and C, a lack of protein or the intake of steroid hormones in bodybuilders.

Prevention of stretch marks

The cracks can not be completely avoided, but it is possible to prevent.

A healthy diet strengthens the connective tissue. The main allies against the striped skin are vitamin E and C as well as beta-carotenoids and sufficient fluid. Vitamin E builds up the skin, vitamin C supports the connective tissue.

Vitamin C is found especially in citrus fruits and in various types of cabbage, for example in kale. Vitamin E can be used in everyday life via oils and nuts. Carotenoids can be obtained with broccoli, carrots or peppers.


When we do sports, blood flows and the skin and connective tissue stay taut. A connective tissue that is so firm will withstand loads better and tear less. It's not about professional sports, especially not for pregnant women. Hiking and swimming are excellent for strengthening the connective tissue.

cold showers

Changing showers promote the blood circulation of the skin and is therefore a good home remedy for stretch marks. In addition, it can be easily integrated into everyday life. You only have to shower your bums, buttocks, thighs and hips alternately with hot and cold water instead of a uniformly warm shower. They always end with the cold water. It is ideal if you also care for the skin with a massage glove.

Oils and creams

Overstretched skin breaks even more when it is dry. By contrast, it helps to oil the skin or to use a cream. Almond oil and wheat germ oil are suitable for pregnant women.

Regular creaming protects against dry skin and can therefore prevent the development of stretch marks. (Image: alter_photo /

Remove stretch marks

But what do you do when it is already too late, and the cracks look at your skin? In plain language: There is no really effective treatment against already existing stretch marks. The best way to treat the unsightly streaks is if they have just been created. Scar creams do not work miracles if used regularly, but at least prevent them from getting worse.

Do not exaggerate your "fight against the stretch marks". The cracks can be restrained with medical methods such as needles or lasers. Wait a few months after childbirth before resorting to such measures. After pregnancy, the skin regenerates, and often the cracks look more dramatic immediately after birth than at some distance.

Do not expect too much. Even laser does not completely remove the cracks. Only half of those affected visibly improve their signs of damaged connective tissue, no matter which method they use.

In addition, the health insurance companies do not pay, so they have to pay at least a few hundred, but often several thousand euros for a treatment, the result leaves much to be desired. The health insurances do not consider stretch marks as a health problem and treatments for aesthetic reasons are not covered by health care.

Laser and needling

A dye laser can bring visible results in fresh scars. He destroys the blood vessels. These provide the blue-reddish color of the stripes. This fades faster under the attack of the laser than without it.

An ablative Fraxel CO2 laser also helps against white stretch marks. This laser shoots many small wounds in the subcutaneous tissue. The skin now closes these holes, producing new connective tissue. However, you can not expect a 100% result here either. Some people form after laser treatment a lot of new connective tissue, others none.

Needling works similarly, except that here needles replace the laser. The doctor uses the needles to pierce many small wounds into the subcutaneous tissue to encourage them to form connective tissue.

A skin roller with short 0.2 mm diameter needles is rolled over the affected area. The needles penetrate up to 2.0 mm into the skin and cause small holes in the uppermost skin layer. The skin regenerates as it does with any injury, which means it releases collagen. The cost is 150 euros up to 400 euros per session. It usually takes five sessions to see a result.

In most cases, the skin is stunned with a cream before piercing and the effect of needling is enhanced by a serum containing hyaluronic acid. In any case, the skin is irritated after needling - similar to piercing and tattoos.

In the case of so-called needling, the affected areas are treated with a needled scooter. (Image: marcinm111 /

There are also needle rollers for home use, because Needling is not under the medical approval. Danger: Let such a self-injury remain! They can cause infection and may cause worse scars than the tears you wanted to remove. If you have decided to needling, have it done by a doctor.

Tattoo stretch marks

If you find your stretch marks ugly and love tattoos, you can also let the tears get over-tattooed. Please discuss this with an experienced tattoo artist and preferably with a doctor.

Stretch marks often do not reach the depth at which tattoos are stung so that they can often be covered well by such. Since it is scar tissue, skin bulges are usually preserved.

The Brazilian tattoo artist Rudolpho Torres specializes in concealing the stretch marks with skin-colored ink, which he stabs like a tattoo in the uppermost layer of skin.

Please pay attention to the following: The color of a tattoo changes with time, it changes by the sun's exposure and by the aging of the skin. New tattoos look brighter, and you never know what the color looks like in five years. Tattooing stretch marks with paint can even lead to the cracks being even more visible after a few years. Therefore, it is better to cover them up with a larger motive. Realistic color tattoos are best for masking scars.

The same applies to pregnancy streaks as to all scar tattoos: there is always a risk, because nobody knows how the scar tissue takes on the pigments or how the color changes. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)