Pregnancy myth Are expectant mothers hungry like two people?

Pregnancy myth Are expectant mothers hungry like two people? / Health News
Always hungry for two? pregnancy myths
With expectant mothers, eating habits change radically. It is not just food cravings, but usually pregnant women generally eat much more. But does it really have to be twice the usual amount? An expert explains.

Nutrition during pregnancy changes
Especially women who are pregnant for the first time get tips from friends and acquaintances about what to look for. Much of it concerns the diet. Fish and folic acid, for example, should be on the menu during pregnancy, according to experts. Some foods are not recommended. Only a few months ago researchers reported that the consumption of caffeinated drinks was a risk factor for miscarriages and should therefore be avoided. It's not just about what comes on the table, but also about how much. It is often said here: "Pregnant women have to eat for two". Is that true? In a message from the news agency dpa, an expert has a clear answer:

Image: Andrey Popov - fotolia

Calorie needs of expectant mothers are increasing
And that is no. That said Christian Albring, president of the professional association of gynecologists. The energy demand is rising, but not so strong. "In the first trimester of pregnancy, the calorie requirement increases by about 200 calories per day compared to the time before," said Albring. After that expectant mothers should eat about 250 to 300 calories more than in the period before pregnancy. "That's not very much," explained the gynecologist. However, the demand for iron, iodine and other trace elements is very strong. In addition, pregnant women also have a higher need for vitamins: "So eat for two, but not twice the amount."

One to two glasses of water to eat
In addition to the amount of health experts have other simple eating rules for pregnant women ready. Expectant mothers should eat regularly and throughout the day. As a rough guide, three main meals per day are required. If the hunger comes in between, two snacks can be added as needed. "The food selection and thus the composition of the nutrients should be done very carefully during pregnancy," writes the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) on its website, where further recommendations can be found. The menu should include plenty of vegetables and salad. According to experts, one to two glasses of water should be drunk at each meal. (Ad)