symptoms - Page 43

Blue eye causes, course and effective home remedies

"Get away with a black eye" means something could have ended worse. A "blue eye" is medically a bruise (hematoma)...

Blue Spot - Causes, Consequences and Home Remedies

Hematoma - causes, consequences and treatment Everyone knows blue spots. They are usually harmless. The stains are due to a...

Blue lips causes and therapy

Blue lips (medical: cyanosis) are a common phenomenon in the cold season and in many cases no cause for concern....

Blue Fingers - Causes and Therapies

If our fingers are blue or bluish, then this is due to a lack of supply of oxygen, especially in...

Bladder weakness - causes and symptoms

Bladder weakness or urinary incontinence means that we can not decide ourselves when to empty ourselves. Normally, we can consciously...

Bladder pain - causes, symptoms and therapy

When the bladder hurts, we usually notice it directly above the pubis, or, more unpleasantly, throughout the abdomen. Bladder pain...

Connective tissue weakness - causes and therapy

The term connective tissue weakness is often mentioned in conjunction with orange peel and stretch marks. Especially women complain about...

Beer belly - Causes and tips to get rid of the fat belly

The beer belly is called in English Dadbod, so Papabauch. While in German beer consumption is the cause, in English...

Unconsciousness - causes and signs

Unconsciousness knows many names: fainting, blackout or collapse. Affected every year are half a million people in Germany. To become...