Blue eye causes, course and effective home remedies

Blue eye causes, course and effective home remedies / symptoms
"Get away with a black eye" means something could have ended worse. A "blue eye" is medically a bruise (hematoma) around the eye. The tissue swells and through the blood the area looks reddish to bluish or blackish. In the healing process, the bruise discolors from blue to green and yellow.


  • How does a blue eye come about??
  • Fall or collision
  • blood thinner
  • Fracture of the base of the scull
  • Symptoms with blue eye
  • Blow-out fracture
  • Hit the eye
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • risks
  • Home remedies for blue eyes
  • Vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • Potatoes and cucumbers
  • chili
  • Store your head elevated
  • Protect the eye from further damage
  • complications

How does a blue eye come about??

The bruise is caused by a bruise, usually by external trauma. A blue eye is rightly considered a typical consequence of a fight. Especially when punching the eye and its surroundings is an ideal destination.

A blue eye is usually the result of external influence and can be very painful. (Image: Bertold Werkmann /

Fall or collision

But the violet, as the vernacular calls it, also forms after a fall or a collision, for example, when someone falls from their bicycles onto the sidewalk or runs into a door edge. A blue eye is also one of the most common injuries of goalies in ball sports.

Moon66 writes on "I have a real violet and do not know where from. Yesterday morning, suddenly, I started at one point and then spread out. This morning it looks like a real violet. Swollen is nothing and it does not hurt. "

blood thinner

A blue eye can also be caused by medication. Those who continuously take antibiotics and medicines that dilute the blood, where the blood can flow into the bags and cause a violet.

Fracture of the base of the scull

A blue eye "overnight" without apparent cause may indicate a skull base fracture. This can hardly be recognized, since the pieces of bone rarely slip. But it does not have to be so dangerous: even a broken vein without apparent cause can form a hematoma.

Or her partner / partner moves in her sleep, poking her elbow in the eye, without them both knowing.

Symptoms with blue eye

The main symptom is the discoloration around the eye, associated with pain and swelling. This swelling can lead to those affected, the eyes can not or hardly open. In severe cases, the field of vision is reduced and the cornea is damaged.

In even more severe cases, those affected see double images, blood accumulates on the surface of the eye, exits the nose or ears. In the worst case, the patients go blind. If you have just one of these symptoms, you need to contact an emergency doctor immediately.

A typical injury in boxing is the orbital floor fracture ("blow-out fracture") by a punch striking the eye directly. (Image: Sergey Nivens /

Blow-out fracture

A bruise in the eye area may also be associated with a blow-out fracture, a fracture of the orbital floor. It is a typical injury of martial artists, especially boxers and kickboxers.

Hit the eye

The blow-out fracture is caused by punctual violence on the eyeball from the front. This is followed by a rupture of the floor of the bony eye socket. This eye socket protects the eyeball in a fat body, and the pit also contains muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

A frontal impact on the eyeball may cause a rupture of the orbit and a collapse of the maxillary sinus. The eyeball sinks and there is a risk that the soft tissues of the eyes become trapped. This can lead to permanent loss of vision.

In addition to a black eye, there are possible symptoms: eyeballs receding into the facial skull, double vision, numb nerves in the eye area, blood in the eye, detachment of the retina, tissue ruptures in the eye.

Diagnosis and treatment

A doctor recognizes a blow-out fracture after a patient interview on an X-ray of facial skull and paranasal sinuses, through a computer tomography, he recognizes the so-called "hanging drop" when the tissue breaks into the antrum.

The injury requires surgery. In this the doctor restores the floor of the eye socket either with body material or with plastic or metal.


A blue eye is usually harmless and heals itself. It is risky, however, when the hematoma nausea and disturbances of consciousness come. Then there may be a concussion.

In addition, bloody secretions from the ears, nose or mouth, it may be a skull base break. You then have to go to hospital immediately, because the consequences of such a break can be fatal.

In case of severe pain and / or concomitant symptoms such as nausea or blurred vision, the blue eye should definitely be examined by a doctor. (Image:

Home remedies for blue eyes

As with any bruise, you should cool the injury. As a result, the affected area swells, and the cold dampens the pain. You can hold the eye under cold water or put a bag of ice cubes on the bruise.

These are emergency relief and they can take anything that cools the wound: frozen peas, cold packs or cornetto hazelnut in the pack. If you have ice cubes available, you can replace them every 15 minutes when the ice has melted and replaced with new ones. However, please do not put the ice directly on the eye, but put it in a bag or a cloth, as otherwise frostbite threatens. The wound should be cooled for one to two days.

After that, it's about supporting the healing. This promotes no cold, but heat, suitable are warm compresses. More blood flows into the damaged tissue and the body can better repair the damage.

You dip a clean cloth in warm water, put it on the injured area until it gets cold and repeat this process over and over again.

Vitamin A

A sufficient dose of vitamin A is necessary to build up the skin. The vitamin regulates the transmission of genetic codes for vital proteins that influence healing processes.

Vitamin A is found in two different forms: livers, eggs and milk, carrots, spinach, pumpkins, mangoes and apricots.

vitamin C

The body needs Vitamin C to regenerate blood vessels. Vitamin C in larger quantities contain, among other things, all citrus fruits, paprika, bromine like raspberries, redcurrants and blueberries, rose hips, broccoli and other vegetables. Pineapple and papaya are also suitable, as well as containing many antioxidants that promote the breakdown of colorants.

Potatoes and cucumbers

Potato and cucumber slices have also proven themselves as a home remedy for blue eyes. You put a raw potato or cucumber slice directly on the injured area.

A proven home remedy for a black eye is a cold cucumber slice that is placed on the injured area. (Image: zilvergolf /


Chili makes you hot. It promotes blood circulation and thus accelerates healing. You can mix a small amount of chilli powder with some water to a paste, or mix with Vaseline and apply to the swollen skin. Attention: The chili must not get in the eye, it causes pain and tearing. You leave the paste on the injured area for two hours, then wipe everything with a damp cloth. However, given the risk that the paste gets into the eyes and then additional symptoms occur, doctors advise against the use of chili, however, usually from.

Store your head elevated

If you store your head raised in bed, for example, by underlaying a neck roll, the fluid in the wound runs off better, and there are fewer swellings.

Protect the eye from further damage

Wear eye protection in the healing phase, ie goggles. Sunglasses, at least when the sun shines, not only obscures the ugly hematoma, but also protects the sensitive wound from further damage.

If you injure your eye while practicing a sport, do not perform this sport in the healing phase.


In addition to hematoma, an abscess may develop if no doctor treats the wound. Generally, if the condition does not improve after three days, go to the doctor. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)