Connective tissue weakness - causes and therapy

- Basics: connective tissue
- Connective tissue weakness can occur anywhere
- Causes of connective tissue weakness
- Consequences of connective tissue weakness
- Strengthen connective tissue
Basics: connective tissue
The connective tissue is involved primarily in the shaping and shape retention of the body. It has a sliding and shifting function, which is extremely important for the smooth functioning of the muscles, for example. The connective tissue contains blood vessels, nerves, sweat glands and tactile corpuscles and serves to cushion the bones and tendons. This type of tissue is divided into loose, tight, reticular connective tissue and adipose tissue.
The loose connective tissue serves the body as a framework by filling in cavities between organs and organ parts. This contributes to the preservation of body shape and organs. The loose connective tissue forms a reservoir of water and has important defensive tasks, as it is home to many inflammatory and immune cells.

The tight connective tissue consists of braided and parallel fibrous connective tissue. The nuchike portion occurs mainly in the dermis of the eye, the meninges and in the organ capsules. In the muscle tendons is parallel fibrous connective tissue.
In the bone marrow and in the lymphatic organs mainly reticular connective tissue is present. This is extremely tensile, forming a three-dimensional network. The adipose tissue is a special form of connective tissue and is used for heat insulation and food storage.
The connective tissue has an elementary position in the body. In normal weight adults, this takes about 18 kilograms of body weight. The fibrous connective tissue is responsible for the elasticity. The loose portion, which contains a lot of water, the organism needs for the transport of substances between blood and cells. In this way, metabolic and environmental toxins reach the connective tissue and are cached there. However, if this memory is overcrowded or the connective tissue is overtaxed in its function, it is also possible for waste to be deposited here. Above all, acids that can no longer be properly excreted remain in the so-called Pischinger area, named after the histologist A. Pischinger. These impede the metabolism and can cause various illnesses.
Connective tissue weakness can occur anywhere
The weakening of the connective tissue can not only be seen externally, but can occur everywhere in the body in various organs. A weak connective tissue can give shape and support its task, no longer properly follow and loses its elasticity. Likewise, the sliding and shifting function decreases.
Every woman wants a tight connective tissue, but especially in women the connective tissue weakness is more common than in men. This is due to the female physical constitution and its hormonal system.
The weak fibers in the connective tissue can lead to relaxation of the outer skin, the blood vessels, but also to loosen the anchoring of internal organs. Externally, this is visible through stretch marks. Extended vessels cause varicose veins and the diminishing support function means that organs can no longer hold their exact position and therefore lower or relocate, as for example in a uterine depression.
Excessive metabolic toxins can sometimes lead to hardening in the connective tissue, accompanied by pain in joints, myogelosis (palpable hardening, thickening in the muscle), recurring tension and allergies.
Causes of connective tissue weakness
Generally, women are more prone to connective tissue weakness than men. This is due to the different arrangement of the connective tissue structures. In the case of the woman, they are parallel. The fat cells, when they grow larger, can expand the tissue upwards, which can lead to visible dents. This is called cellulite. The estrogen of the woman gives her a softer tissue structure, which can easily cause changes in the shape of the connective tissue, such as visible during and after pregnancy. In men, on the other hand, the connective tissue is cross-linked longitudinally and transversely, which contributes to a firmer and more elastic structure. Regardless of gender, overweight, lack of exercise and unhealthy diet can promote the development of connective tissue weakness.
1. Hormonal changes
Estrogen and progesterone together provide a solid connective tissue. As a result of a hormonal disorder or change, this can cause connective tissue weakness, which is often the case, for example, during menopause. Here, above all, the sinking of the estrogen level is the cause. Also, a hormone change, as occurs in pregnancy, sometimes leads to a weak connective tissue, especially if the woman is already genetically biased. In pubescent girls, especially when they grow fast, sometimes stretch marks can already arise. Again, the hormonal changes play a major role. There are also nutrition, lack of exercise and genetic disposition.
2. Gene defects
A genetic defect worth mentioning here is the Marfan syndrome. This results in a massive connective tissue weakness. Those affected get very long bones, joints easily jump out of their pans and patients are exposed to permanent mortal danger, as well as the main artery may be affected by the disease and burst.
3. Medication
Many medications, if taken over a long period of time, lead to acidity of the body. This in turn has a negative effect on the connective tissue. Above all, cortisone is known for this, which, among other side effects, can cause connective tissue weakness.
4. nutrition
In connective tissue there is a constant and lively exchange between cells and blood. Thus, nutrients are delivered to the cells and waste materials, which include acids, to the connective tissue. From here, especially the acidic components should reach neutralization. However, if the measure is already overcrowded, that is, the tissue overloaded, the acids are left behind. This results in a kind of hyperacidity, which in the long term in many different ailments, but also diseases, including the connective tissue weakness, noticeable.
The most common reason for over-acidification of the connective tissue is an over-acidic diet. Supplied animal protein, in the form of meat, sausage, fish and dairy products is metabolized in the body as "sour", which means that acids are released. The body is usually able to buffer or bind, neutralize, and then excrete these acids. However, if too much acid in the organism, it is soon exhausted and must store the acids, which permanently weakens the connective tissue.

Consequences of connective tissue weakness
Cellulite is a so-called ding of the skin, where fat cells reach the surface of the skin. This occurs almost exclusively in women, is hormonal and is additionally supported by a weakening of connective tissue.
Stretch marks
Stretch marks are called in the jargon Striae cutis distensae. These are caused by excessive stretching of the skin, for example a greater increase in weight. Stretch marks are also possible in men.
Spider veins
Spider veins are found mainly in women and are visible small veins under the skin. They are recognizable in the form of small thin branches, so-called vascular trees or reddish spots. Spider veins are not dangerous but may indicate varices (varicose veins)
Varices (varicose veins)
Varices, better known as varicose veins, are dilated, superficial, tortuous veins, especially on the legs. Due to the connective tissue weakness, the venous valves are usually affected, which can cause thick legs with water retention and blood congestion. Sedentary activity, lack of exercise and overweight support the development of varicose veins.
In fact, hemorrhoids are not pathological, but nodular extensions of the erectile tissue to seal the intestine outward. However, this term is always used when the hemorrhoids are enlarged, bulging and causing discomfort.
A hernia is an intestinal break caused by weakness in the abdominal wall and connective tissue. The best known here is the hiatus hernia, the diaphragmatic rupture, in which parts of the stomach pass upwards through the diaphragm.
Strengthen connective tissue
The connective tissue weakness is treated in the natural healing always from the outside and from the inside. In the first place here is a base-rich food with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, the diet should be high in fiber. Millet and oats contain large amounts of silicon, which is very important for a tighter and more elastic connective tissue. In addition, there is sufficient hydration in the form of still water. Of these, at least two liters should be drunk a day. Daily exercise is also essential to tackle connective tissue weakness. Any overweight should definitely be reduced. Daily changing showers with brush brush massages contribute to the health of the tissue.
In the Schüssler salts therapy, the salts No. 1 Calcium fluoratum and No. 11 Silicea are used to strengthen the connective tissue both internally and externally. To have their effects, the two salts must be taken over a longer period of time. Externally, additionally the Schüssler salves no. 1 and no. 11 can be used. Especially when stretch marks, cellulite, spider veins or varices are to be alleviated.

In the phytotherapy the horse chestnut with vein problems as well as horsetail and wild garlic for the general strengthening of the connective tissue are used successfully for example.
In naturopathic practice, diversion procedures, such as cupping, together with a detoxification cure, are a pillar of therapy. In addition, a nutritional plan and a combination of remedies from homeopathy, phytotherapy or Schüssler salt therapy are usually added. Patients are advised to change their diet and exercise regularly.
To prevent weakness in the connective tissue should be started as early as possible, to exercise regularly on a regular base, to pay attention to the weight and to strengthen the skin with alternating showers and brush massages. If there is a predisposition, these measures can not completely prevent the weakening of connective tissue, but at least alleviate it. (Sw)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)