symptoms - Page 37

Circulatory disorders

Chronic circulatory disorders Chronic circulatory disorders can occur when a vessel is constricted or blocked. Especially the elderly suffer from...

Dark urine What the urine color says

What the color of urine can say about healthDark urine can appear in very different facets and be colored from...

Pressure in the head - symptoms, causes and treatment

Head Presses - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy Every human knows this: it pounds in the temples, it squeezes under the...

Pressure on the chest causes and therapy of chest pressures

Causes and treatment methods with a feeling of pressure in the chest The feeling of pressure on the chest immediately...

See double images - causes and therapy

Double see - diplopiaNormally, the brain merges the impressions of the right and left eyes into a complete picture. However,...

Thin Skin - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

If our skin thins, we often feel a strong itching and tension in the affected areas; In addition, the skin...

Thin Fingernails - Causes and Home Remedies

Thin fingernails - especially women suffer from it. The nails are too thin, they bend and tear constantly. This is...

Big butt - causes, benefits and exercises

A big butt can be good for your health Many people, men as well as women, see their butt as...

Thick neck

Treatment, causes and complaints A swollen or thick neck can be caused by a variety of factors. As serious illnesses,...