Thin Fingernails - Causes and Home Remedies

Thin Fingernails - Causes and Home Remedies / symptoms
Thin fingernails - especially women suffer from it. The nails are too thin, they bend and tear constantly. This is often due to deficiency symptoms or certain illnesses, but can also be caused by incorrect or inadequate care.


  • The natural nail growth
  • causes
  • home remedies
  • olive oil
  • Almond oil, linseed oil
  • Burdock root oil
  • Lemon juice as a cure
  • Coconut oil, argan oil
  • Homemade nail cream
  • Nail bath with apple cider vinegar
  • onion
  • The right care
  • Healthy nails - from the inside out
  • Food for the nails
  • Thin fingernails - not just a blemish

The natural nail growth

Normally, nails grow 0.1mm within 24 hours and between 3 and 7mm within one month. They grow faster in warmth, ie in summer, than in winter, and better in younger people than in older people. Also, the fingernails grow faster than the toe nails. However, this nail growth can be disturbed. The nails grow too slowly or do not tighten properly, remain thin, break in and then break off again. The most diverse causes can be responsible for it.

Thin fingernails can have a variety of causes, but can often be remedied successfully with home remedies. (Image:


Often there is a vitamin and / or mineral deficiency in thin fingernails. A lack of vitamin B, D, A or even zinc, iron or calcium - all this can lead to thin nails. Here helps a blood picture to determine the defect. Thyroid disorders or hormonal irregularities such as during puberty, pregnancy or menopause may result in thin nails along with other symptoms.

Similarly, incorrect or insufficient care can be the trigger. Incorrect filing, aggressive cleaning agents and lack of moisture are possible causes of thin nails. If the hands often come in contact with disinfectants, skin and nails can dry out. In such cases, special care is needed.

home remedies

For thin nails, a variety of home remedies can help. The motto here is: try it out! And do not give up immediately, because the home remedies have to be used regularly over a longer period of time, otherwise they can not work (4 - 8 weeks) However, if all mentioned remedies bring nothing, the walk to the doctor is recommended. Maybe it's a disease or a deficiency on the thin nails to blame.

To strengthen the fingernails offer nail baths based on various natural ingredients. (Image: rh2010 /

olive oil

Once or twice a week, a fingernail oil bath is good for the nails and strengthens them. For this, a little olive oil is heated and in it the nails are bathed for a few minutes. This can, if carried out over a longer period of time, strengthen thin fingernails again.

Almond oil, linseed oil

Especially when nails are repeatedly exposed to aggressive substances and thus "stressed", the regenerating almond oil helps. Of course, this must be a cold-pressed, high-quality almond oil. It is massaged into the nails every day. Linseed oil can also be used instead of almond oil.

Burdock root oil

The burdock root oil is known for the treatment of stressed hair or for the growth of eyelashes. For the care of nails, this is also a suitable remedy. The oil is massaged into the nail every night before going to sleep. This is a very affordable home remedy.

Lemon juice as a cure

The vitamin C, which is contained in the lemons, for example, not only strengthens the immune system, but also promotes nail growth. In addition, the lemon juice makes the nails a little lighter. To strengthen the thin fingernails, they are bathed in fresh lemon juice for about five minutes each night, for about a month, then washed with water and rubbed on the nails and hands with olive oil or coconut oil - cotton gloves over and done the nocturnal hand cure.

Coconut oil, argan oil

As a cure, overnight, coconut oil or argan oil are recommended. The coconut oil / argan oil is slightly warmed and massaged in the evening in the nails, the hands can benefit from this treatment. To make the whole thing look better, it is recommended to wear cotton gloves overnight.

Another application of coconut oil / argan oil is a nail bath: half an espresso cup full of oil is mixed with the same amount of honey and the whole is added three drops of essential rosemary oil. The nails are bathed at least twice a week for about 15 minutes.

Homemade nail cream

For thin fingernails, the following homemade nail cream is a treat: Two tablespoons of olive or almond oil, a tablespoon of honey, a pinch of salt and a yolk are mixed together and generously applied to the nails. After a contact time of about half an hour, the cream is rinsed with plenty of warm water. This procedure is best done three times a week.

Nail bath with apple cider vinegar

A nail bath with apple cider vinegar strengthens thin nails. Apple cider vinegar is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and the fingernails are bathed in it for about 10 minutes. This is best two to three times a week.


The onion is also worth a try. Cut an onion, rub your nails with it and then let it dry in the air. This procedure is also performed two to three times a week.

The right nail care is particularly important for stressed fingernails. (Image: Dan Race /

The right care

For thin fingernails, care must always be taken to ensure proper care. If your hands frequently come into contact with disinfectants, skin and nails should be regularly treated with a moisturizing cream. An oil package overnight is definitely recommended. For the manicure, use a file that gently treats the nails. On metal files is best avoided, are preferred polishing files with a sandpaper surface, glass or ceramic files.

In case of frequent water contact or when using aggressive washing substances, wearing gloves is a good way to protect the nails. So that the nails grow better and can not tear easily, they should always be kept short.

In professional nail studios, the nails are covered with a plastic. Thus, the nails are protected, but it remains questionable whether this can thereby recover. This is still quite controversial. In any case, it is healthier to leave the natural nail and strengthen it with home remedies or special paints that are available in drugstores or pharmacies.

Healthy nails - from the inside out

For healthy fingernails, something has to be done from within. Since, as mentioned above, often a lack of vitamins and / or minerals is responsible for thin fingernails, a healthy, vitamin-rich and low-acidity diet is the alpha and omega. This includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, now and then dairy products and little meat and Sausage. In addition, attention should be paid to sufficient liquid, in the form of still water. If a deficiency has been found in the blood, it should be topped up with suitable dietary supplements. Professional advice is essential.

To strengthen thin fingernails, the regular use of nettle tea can help. Nettle contains many minerals such as silicea. And this is important for the connective tissue and for a healthy nail substance. In addition, the stinging nettle flushes out toxins and toxins from the body, since it has a cleaning effect on the kidneys. The nettle tea is best drunk in the afternoon between 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm and this for a maximum of six weeks. After that, a break is required.

With nettle tea the fingernails can be strengthened from within. (Image: Hetizia /

Food for the nails

In addition to a healthy diet, there are some foods whose ingredients have a special effect on healthy, firm nails. These are, for example, pumpkin seeds. They contain a large portion of zinc, which strengthens the immune system and the connective tissue. Furthermore, beans are recommended in every form. These contain biotin (vitamin B7), which is especially important for nail growth.

Carrots are good for nourishment of the nails, kale provides a portion of calcium, broccoli contains iron, which is crucial for the oxygen content, eggs provide healthy protein and bananas contain, among others, potassium, zinc, silicea and vitamin B6. Millet is also recommended because it contains a decent amount of Silicea. For example, with millet flakes, the daily muesli be enriched.

Thin fingernails - not just a blemish

Especially for women thin fingernails are a blemish. They do everything to get healthy, firm nails again. However, "everything" is often too much. The right care, a regularly used home remedy and a healthy diet - this should be enough. However, if there is no improvement after six to eight weeks, a doctor should be consulted. An extensive blood picture can bring deficiency symptoms or even a disease to light, which can then be treated, so that the fingernails regenerate again. (Sw)