The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid) comprises the entirety of the genetic information in the form of the individual genes. It consists of a chain of nucleotides, which are composed in a double helix structure and form the blueprint of all life. The DNA is found in all our cells and if it is disturbed in its structure, it can cause cancer and many other diseases. Changes in DNA are caused, for example, by mutations, but alcohol and tobacco also cause damage to the DNA, which increases the risk of such diseases. In addition, so-called hereditary diseases are passed on through generations with DNA, which can also help to identify particularly vulnerable individuals. Overall, DNA decrypting research has made tremendous progress in recent decades, and several approaches have been tried to address specific diseases through targeted DNA alterations. However, these are sometimes highly controversial from an ethical point of view. (Fp)

Obesity is also reflected in the genetic material

The holiday pounds are not only deposited on the hips, but also on the DNA. This is the result of a large international study under the leadership of ...
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Researchers determine the function of the alleged DNA waste 08.09.2012 Eleven years after the decoding of the human genome by the "human genetics" ...
More DNA genetic material waste with great benefits

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