Ear itching in the ear

Ear itching in the ear / symptoms

If the ear itches inside: ears itching

Constant itching in the ear is annoying and unpleasant. There is a quick attempt to relieve the itching with a fingernail or a cotton swab. Even things, such as knitting needles or paper clips are used to put an end to itching. But this is extremely dangerous. The skin of the ear canal and especially the inner ear are very sensitive and with pointed objects may possibly pierce the eardrum.


  • If the ear itches inside: ears itching
  • Earwax is important
  • causes
  • Cause: Inflammation of the external auditory canal
  • Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis
  • Allergic reaction
  • Mushrooms in the ear canal
  • Cleaning the ear canal
  • Cause: stress
  • home remedies
  • From naturopathy
  • The walk to the doctor

Earwax is important

Excessive hygiene can cause itching in the ear. Basically, the earwax, this somewhat disgusting, sticky mass, very important. This protects the ear canal and keeps it supple. Earwax, known in the specialist language as cerumen, provides the acid mantle in the ear, which prevents pathogens from entering. However, one or the other produces slightly more earwax and they try to remove it with ear-sticks or even more pointed objects. However, it is important to refrain from doing so. The cerumen can thus be pushed further into the ear canal and thus form a proper plug, which sometimes leads to hearing problems, pain and pressure in the ear. An ear flush at the doctor can help here. Normally, the lard is always transported by the cilia in the ear in the direction of the auricle. There, this can be easily and easily removed.

If too little cerumen is present, there is a risk of itching in the ear, since the acid mantle is not so pronounced. Here, the ear canal should be kept supple. It helps a good, high-quality olive oil from which a drop is occasionally dripped into the ear canal. However, this is only allowed if the eardrum is absolutely tight.

The annoying itching in the ear can have different causes. Often, simple home remedies continue to help. (Image: vladimirfloyd / fotolia.com)


Itching in the ear can have a variety of causes. Often this is an inflammation of the external auditory canal, triggered by bacteria or fungi. Most of the time there are additional complaints, such as pressure and earache. Beware of existing diabetes disease: Those affected by minor injuries in the ear canal are often not true and invading pathogens multiply easier, since in diabetics the immune system is affected. Here, in the worst case, from a simple ear canal inflammation develop a severe form.

Other possible causes include underlying diseases, such as eczema or psoriasis, allergic reactions, for example, to shower gel or hair spray and excessive hygiene or stress.

Cause: Inflammation of the external auditory canal

An inflammation of the external auditory canal, a so-called otitis externa, arises for example due to dirty bathing water or mechanical irritation by cotton swabs, which pathogens are mostly bacteria and rare mushrooms. With bacterial infestation pain is in the foreground. If fungi are the cause, those affected suffer from a massive itching. A smear from the external auditory canal facilitates diagnosis. Depending on which pathogens are found, the ear is provided with an ointment strip containing alcohol, antibiotics, cortisone or an antimycotic.

Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis

Atopic dermatitis and psoriasis can affect the sensitive area of ​​the ears, both externally and internally. This can sometimes lead to massive itching. The sufferers suffer so much that they scratch themselves bloody. During treatment, care must be taken to ensure that the sensitive skin in the ear canal does not dry out too much. That is why ointments are often prescribed.

Allergic reaction

Shower gel and hair care products can lead to an allergic reaction in the ear and thus massive itching. Finding the triggering allergen is not always easy. It is then essential to avoid this and to treat the itch with suitable means.

Hay fever often shows itching in the eyes and nose, but in rare cases it can also be itching in the ear. Hayfever remedies also help here. Naturopathy, however, is based on the basis, that is, the cause and treated with ear acupuncture, self-blood therapy, phytotherapy, Schüssler salts and homeopathy.

Mushrooms in the ear canal

Mushrooms in the ear canal are not that common. If, then especially in summer, in a humid climate and / or with frequent swimming pool visit. If then additionally regularly ear drops are used, which contain antibiotics and / or cortisone, the healthy flora changes in the ear canal and those affected are more susceptible to fungal colonization. Their treatment is often quite tedious. Mushrooms tend to come back again and again. Here should also be thought of a treatment from the inside out. (see paragraph "from the naturopathy") A possibly not yet recognized diabetes illness can be the cause for frequent fungal attack.

Cleaning the ear canal

Frequent cleaning with the cotton swab is to be avoided. Actually, the ear canal does not need to be cleaned. For this, humans have so-called cilia, which carry dirt and earwax to the outside. Similarly, cleaning with soap or shampoo is not necessary. The acidic environment normally in the auditory canal is thereby disturbed and the defense is reduced. As already mentioned, especially diabetics are affected. These should refrain from the unauthorized "cleaning" of the ears and undergo an ear cleaning at the doctor.

When wearing in-ear headphones or earplugs frequently, they should be regularly cleaned with an alcoholic solution to prevent the entry of pathogens into the ear canal.

Cause: stress

This may sound absurd, but stress can also cause itching in the ear. An itch without other discomfort, without visible erythema, scaling or the like, is quite possible in stressful times. Relaxation exercises, meditation and yoga are the primary help here. With teas such as lavender, lemon balm and hops, mixed or drunk individually, can also make everyday life a bit quieter. Sport and regular walks in the fresh air do body, soul and mind well and can reduce stress and thus help against the itching in the ear.

Apple cider vinegar is a proven home remedy for itching in the ear. (Image: Heike Rau / fotolia.com)

home remedies

In case of massive itching in the ear can be made with cotton swabs soaked in alcohol. However, this should not be used too often because alcohol has a drying effect. Vinegar relieves itching, decongestant, antibiotic and ensures a good pH value in the ear canal. For this purpose, boiled water is mixed with a good apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 10: 1, moistening cotton wool and blotting off the ear canal.

A mixture of sesame oil and lavender essential oil helps against the unbearable itching in the ear. One to two drops of lavender oil are added to ten milliliters of high quality sesame oil. A drop of it with the help of a pipette into the affected ear and this best when lying, takes the itching and nourishes the skin in the ear canal. This mixture also helps against fungal attack. But beware - this home remedy is only allowed with absolutely intact eardrum!

From naturopathy

Naturopathy treats itching in the ear with colloidal silver, propolis and evening primrose oil. It is recommended to take supplements such as zinc and vitamin C. Alternative practitioners also treat itching in the ear from within. They prescribe homeopathic remedies, Schuessler salts (no. 3, no. 4, no. 8 and no. 11) and antibiotic and antimycotic active plants, such as horseradish and nasturtium.

The walk to the doctor

If the home remedies do not help and / or if symptoms such as pressure in the ear, earache or fever are added, it is necessary to go to the doctor. After an anamnesis, the ear is examined and, if necessary, a smear taken to determine the invading pathogens. Depending on the causes, antibiotics or antimycotics are used. In existing diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or diabetes, the underlying disease is treated. (Sw)