Ear noises Questions and answers about tinnitus

Ear noises Questions and answers about tinnitus / Health News
Approximately Every year, ten million people experience the effects of tinnitus. Three million people suffer from chronic "ringing in the ears". What helps against the excruciating noises and how to prevent them is explained by Dr. med. Michael Bohndorf, ENT specialist in Düsseldorf, in the following expert discussion:

How does a tinnitus develop??
Dr. Bohndorf: The science is not quite sure about the complex relationships. Disturbances in the ear or hearing system caused by noise or inflammation can cause phantom sounds. Hearing senses often react overactive. Not infrequently, however, psychological moments or overstressing due to stress also play a role in the development. Often tinnitus also occurs in conjunction with a hearing loss.

What is the expression of tinnitus??
Dr. Bohndorf: According to the name (Latin for "ringing"), tinnitus manifests itself through annoying ear noises. Some patients describe it as ringing or ringing in the ears, some are more likely to be whistling or hissing. It is not a disease, but a serious warning signal of the body. It is important to investigate the causes, so that no further complaints such as sleep disorders or depression are added.

Can one prevent tinnitus??
Dr. Bohndorf: Noise protection and stress reduction - these are two sensible preventative measures. In addition, the classic health rules apply here as well: move as much as possible, eat well, avoid loud music and abstain from alcohol and nicotine.

What can I do against the ear noises??
Dr. Bohndorf: Of course, the cause must first be clarified. For example, are there any organic reasons, such as hearing impairment or vasoconstriction? Or are stress, noise or possibly psychological conflicts the trigger? In the latter three cases often help more peace and serenity. Eligible are relaxation exercises or the visit of self-help groups.

Are there "tricks" to "turn off" acutely occurring phantom sounds??
Dr. Bohndorf: Try not to fixate on the sounds, divert attention from the tinnitus, so to speak. Because: The more affected people focus on the symptoms, the bigger the problem becomes.

When do I have to go to the ENT doctor?
Dr. Bohndorf: If ear noises suddenly appear with a strong intensity or if the distances get shorter and shorter, the ENT specialist should be consulted within 24 hours. The earlier a tinnitus therapy begins, the greater the chance of success. If a hearing loss is added, the ENT specialist should be consulted immediately. In many cases, psychotherapeutic treatment can also help.

How many people are affected?
Dr. Bohndorf: According to a study of the German Tinnitus League tinnitus occurs annually in ten million adults. The medicine assumes that one in four is affected once in a lifetime by the tormenting ear noises. Happily, mostly only temporarily. The situation is different with chronic tinnitus, which makes life difficult for around three million people in this country. The longer it lasts, the lesser the chance of complete fading. Therefore, tinnitus should always be treated early, before it becomes a permanent plague.
When do I suffer from chronic tinnitus??

Dr. Bohndorf: If the symptoms persist for about three months unabated, the medicine speaks of chronic tinnitus. The ear noises disappear in this case only in about a quarter of those affected completely again. Accordingly, it is important to integrate tinnitus into life as best as possible.

There are medicines for tinnitus?
Dr. Bohndorf: No, no drugs have been approved so far. Infusions with the active ingredient lidocaine are because of possible significant side effects at most short-term use.

What new therapy options are there?
Dr. Bohndorf: There are behavioral programs with which affected people can counteract the burden of tinnitus at home. The many new devices and methods that are advertised on the Internet are fundamentally critical in terms of effectiveness. As a recent, promising therapeutic approach in acute tinnitus is the neuro music therapy. According to a clinical study, this combination of ear training and relaxation training reduced tinnitus levels in 85 percent of the patients involved. (Pm)