Sinusitis - Symptoms, Causes and Effective Home Remedies

Sinusitis - Symptoms, Causes and Effective Home Remedies / symptoms

Inflammation of the sinuses - sinusitis

Sinusitis (sinusitis) is often the result of a cold, but may also be due to other factors, such as anatomical features. The first form occurs as an acute illness and heals with appropriate care in most cases without complications. Sinusitis as a result of anatomical features is often associated with a chronic disease course.


  • Inflammation of the sinuses - sinusitis
  • definition
  • Symptoms of acute sinusitis
  • Complaints of chronic sinusitis
  • Cause of acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
  • Causes of chronic sinusitis of the
  • Other causes of sinusitis
  • Sinusitis due to Churg-Strauss syndrome
  • Cause yellow nail syndrome
  • diagnosis
  • Treatment of sinusitis
  • Naturopathy with inflammation of the sinuses
  • Natural treatment with medicinal plants and aromatherapy
  • Prevention of sinusitis


The term sinusitis includes all inflammatory processes in the region of the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinus located in the upper jawbone on both sides of the nose), the frontal sinuses (frontal sinus located above the nose in the frontal bone), the ethmoidal cells or the ethmoidal ethmoid sinus (ethmoid sinus: small cavities in the ethmoid between the nose and the inner corner of the eye) and the two sphenoid sinuses (sinus sphenoidalis, located behind the ethmoidal cells in the sphenoid bone).

It is distinguished between four different paranasal sinuses, which are open connected to the middle nasal meatus. (Image: Peter Hermes Furian /

To distinguish between acute and chronic sinusitis. In addition, the paranasal sinusitis is distinguished according to its location in the ethmoid sinusitis (sinusitis affected), frontal sinusitis, maxillary sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses), sinusitis sphenoidalis (inflammation of the sphenoid sinus) and the pansinusitis, in which all the paranasal sinuses are inflamed.

Symptoms of acute sinusitis

The symptoms of an acute paranasal sinusitis differs in many cases in detail clearly from the chronic forms. In most cases, acute sinusitis is preceded by a cold or a cold. Due to anatomical features such as a crooked nasal septum or due to swelling of the mucous membrane, the formed secretion can not drain properly and accumulates in the sinuses. Of these, the maxillary sinuses are increasingly affected in the acute forms. In the other paranasal sinuses, the acute inflammations are much rarer.

The accompanying symptoms are often the typical cold symptoms such as runny nose, cough, hoarseness, body aches and fever. Many sufferers also complain of headaches.

Characteristic of the sinusitis are the oppressive pain in the inflamed paranasal sinuses. The pain increases as soon as the head is bent forward or held down. According to the position of the paranasal sinuses, the pain can be located behind the forehead, in the jaw and cheek area or behind the eyes. Occasionally the symptoms are associated with toothache.

Sinusitis is characterized by oppressive pain in the affected paranasal sinuses. (Image: kleberpicui /

If the head is tilted forward or the patients hit the back of the head lightly with the palm of the hand, the pain in the inflamed sinuses can usually be clearly localized. In the course of the disease, the pain can increase significantly and become almost unbearable for those affected. General complaints, such as tiredness and fatigue, are added. A loss of the sense of smell and visual disturbances may belong to the clinical picture of an acute sinusitis. Sometimes the inflammation is recognizable as swelling in the face. The nasal secretions of those affected appear yellowish-greenish due to the proportion of pus.

Complaints of chronic sinusitis

As chronic sinusitis, the disease is referred to when the symptoms last two months or longer. Affected are more often the ethmoidal cells and the maxillary sinuses. Without therapeutic treatment, the chronic sinusitis does not cure completely and reappears several weeks to months after the alleged decay.

The associated pain can be a significant impairment in everyday life, even if the symptoms in a chronic course are often perceived less intense than in acute sinusitis. In addition, there is a persistent odor loss, chronic runny nose (mostly watery and not yellow-greenish) and a subliminal feeling of pressure in the area of ​​the affected sinuses.

The patients often perceive a permanent outflow of nasal secretions in the pharynx. Chronic sinusitis is often associated with the proliferation of so-called polyps on the mucous membranes. These have a reinforcing effect on the clinical picture, as they in turn impede secretion drainage. It is not uncommon for the chronic form of sinusitis to be associated with asthma.

In the course of inflammation threatens at worst a destruction of the bone walls surrounding the sinuses. For example, purulent secretions can enter the eye socket or even the brain, including bacteria. Massive damage to the eye and life-threatening inflammation in the brain or the meninges are possible consequences here.

The inflammation of the sinuses often arises as a result of a flu infection. (Picture: Picture-Factory /

Cause of acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

The causes of acute sinusitis include colds in the first place. The nasal mucous membranes and the mucous membranes of the sinuses swell significantly in the course of a cold, which can lead to blockages of the tiny connections between the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. The self-cleaning mechanism of the mucous membranes (cilia on the mucous membranes carry nasal secretions together with dirt particles and potential pathogens in the direction of the nasal cavity) is disturbed in this way and the formed secretion builds up in the sinuses.

At the same time, the affected sinuses are no longer ventilated. The environment offers pathogens good conditions for reproduction. Viruses and bacteria can thrive excellently and attack the mucous membranes. As nasal mucosal inflammations (rhinitis) and inflammation of the paranasal sinuses usually occur together, the term "rhinosinusitis" is often used in the professional world.

Bacterial infections, which can cause sinusitis, are usually caused by pneumococci, streptococci or staphylococci. The Chlamydophila pneumoniae bacteria of the genus Chlamydia can trigger the disease. In children under the age of five, a bacterial infection of the sinuses with Haemophilus influenzae type b is particularly feared. Bacterial inflammation of the paranasal sinuses usually passes a little faster than viral diseases and is often observed only on one side.

Viral sinusitis is increasingly caused by influenza viruses (influenza viruses), parainfluenza viruses and rhinoviruses. Furthermore, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, enteroviruses and respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV) can cause acute sinusitis. The complaints are usually observed on both sides and often last longer than the bacterial infections.

Causes of chronic sinusitis of the

The chronic forms of progression are usually based on an anatomically caused disorder of secretion discharge. For example, a curvature of the nasal septum (Septumdeviation) affect the ventilation of the paranasal sinuses and promote secretion congestion. In the poorly ventilated sinuses, more germs spread and may cause inflammation of the mucous membranes. The sinus mucous membranes then produce increased secretions, which accumulates in the worst case, thus further promoting the growth of germs.

If the sinusitis is chronic, sufferers often suffer from earache. (Picture: Picture-Factory /

In addition to chronic sinusitis, those affected more often suffer from otitis media and ear pain.

Another cause may be ventilation impairments of the sinuses and secretion drainage disorders due to benign growths of the mucous membranes - so-called polyps. In rare cases, tumors develop, which cause a narrowing of the connections between sinuses and nasal cavity. If the symptoms are increasingly associated with nosebleeds, special care is required here.

Other causes of sinusitis

Not infrequently, allergic reactions cause inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose and sinuses. For example, hay fever favors the occurrence of sinusitis.

Sinusitis is one of the typical symptoms of analgesic intolerance (intolerance to the active ingredient acetylsalicylic acid, contained for example in aspirin, aspirin or ibuprofen). Certain drugs, such as the drug raloxifene, which is used to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, in turn cause side sinusitis as a side effect in unfavorable cases. In addition, the inflammation may be from the teeth or the tooth roots or the upper jaw. This variant is called "dentogenic sinusitis".

Sinusitis due to Churg-Strauss syndrome

In rare cases, inflammation of the sinuses is the result of the so-called Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS). In the course of the disease inflammatory processes take place in the small blood vessels, which are due to an excessive proliferation of the so-called eosinophilic granulocytes. While the causes of the syndrome are still largely unclear, the symptoms are relatively extensively researched.

In rare cases, the so-called Churg-Strauss syndrome may be the cause of the complaints. Common side effects of the disease are in addition to a sinusitis, including heart pain and pricking in the chest. (Image: SENTELLO /

A distinction is made between three stages of the CSS: the onset of increased allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma, the subsequent eosinophilic inflammation of the lung and digestive tract, and the third stage of the disease, a systemic vasculitis of the small blood vessels. Sinusitis is considered to be a typical accompanying symptom of the CSS. Furthermore, heart problems often occur, which may be associated with a puncture in the chest, heartache or chest pain, palpitations and heart stuttering. In the worst case, a heart attack threatens.

Cause yellow nail syndrome

Another rare cause is the so-called yellow nail syndrome (YNS). Again, little is known about the genesis of the disease. Characteristic are thickened toenails and fingernails due to a growth disorder. The nails take on a yellowish color. Accompanying the sufferers often suffer from fluid retention in the chest and so-called lymphoedema (intracellular fluid retention), but also recurrent sinusitis.


In the context of the diagnosis, it first requires a detailed history, in which the patients report on the symptoms and possible pre-existing conditions. Sensing of the nose and face can provide further important information on the diagnosis of sinusitis. This is followed by a first simple examination of the nasal cavity (rhinoscopy) with the aid of a headlamp and a nasal speculum, which is inserted into the nose and spread gently to allow a view into the inside of the nose. Swelling of the nasal mucosa, but also anatomical peculiarities, such as a curvature of the nasal septum, can be detected relatively easily in this way.

Nasal endoscopy is useful for detecting diseases deeper in the nasal cavity. The introduced endoscope not only allows you to look into the posterior nasal cavity, but also to take tissue samples (biopsy) that help to ensure the diagnosis. As part of nasal endoscopy, minimally invasive procedures are possible in which, for example, polyps are removed.

Blood tests provide further important clues to identify possible causes of sinusitis. They may allow conclusions about the causes of inflammation and possible rare diseases such as Churg-Strauss syndrome.

To provide a clear diagnosis, imaging techniques such as sonography (ultrasound examination), x-ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are helpful, with computed tomography being the drug of choice today for detecting sinusitis.

If an allergy is suspected as a trigger, a nasal provocation test may be appropriate. In this first, a measurement of the respiratory resistance of nasal breathing (rhinomanometry) in the normal state. Subsequently, the nose is sprayed with a solution of diluted allergens and carried out again after a certain period of time a measurement of respiratory resistance. If this increases significantly, this is an indication of a possible allergy.

A loss of the sense of smell due to sinusitis can be detected by means of a so-called olfactory test. The objective method is the measurement of the olfactory evoked potentials. However, this method is rarely used, not least due to the enormous effort involved in practice. Instead, a subjective olfactory test is usually performed, in which the affected person should recognize certain distinctive odors. So-called scent sticks with different odors, such as coffee odor, vanilla odor or menthol odor, are held in front of the patient's nose. Difficulties in identifying the odorants indicate an impairment of the sense of smell.

Conventional treatment usually uses decongestant nasal spray. (Image: arborpulchra /

Treatment of sinusitis

The treatment is based on the cause of the complaints and can therefore vary significantly. For example, antibiotics are helpful in a bacterial infection, they have little effect on viral sinusitis. In cases of acute inflammation of the sinuses, an attempt is first made to correct the swelling of the mucous membranes in order to allow normal secretion drainage and adequate ventilation of the sinuses. Here, decongestant nasal sprays are a frequently used procedure.

In the case of allergic diseases, nasal sprays based on antihistamines and glucocorticoids are used. In general, care should be taken with the nasal spray, however, as the nasal mucous membranes can sustainably be damaged by them and develop a kind of dependence with prolonged use. A so-called hyposensitization (formerly desensitization) may under certain circumstances remedy the allergic reaction completely. Patients are regularly exposed to low doses of allergens in order to achieve a habituation effect and to avoid the overreaction of the immune system.

Often, as part of the treatment of sinusitis is trying to liquefy the nasal secretions to facilitate its outflow. Different procedures and remedies are supposed to solve the mucus. Here, for example, inhalations, nasal douches, infrared treatments and numerous herbal ingredients are used.

The nasal douche is used to clean the nose and nasal mucous membranes and can therefore be used well to relieve the symptoms. (Image: Dan Race /

To date, however, surgery is often the only way to permanently eradicate sinusitis. This is especially true for anatomically induced inflammation. Straightening the nasal septum and removing the polyps are among the relatively common procedures, but are associated with appropriate surgical risks.

Even with malignant tumors a surgical procedure is often required. If cancers are the cause of sinus complaints, in addition to the surgeries may be the classical instruments of cancer therapy - radiation and / or chemotherapy - to bear. In the course of the treatment of a Churg-Strauss syndrome in rare cases also chemotherapeutic agents are used.

If the patients complain of severe pain due to the sinusitis, pain-relieving preparations can be administered concomitantly with the different therapies.

Naturopathy with inflammation of the sinuses

Alternative medicine offers numerous approaches to naturally treat sinusitis. These range from aromatherapy, herbal tinctures from the field of herbal medicine, Schuessler salts and homeopathy, to acupuncture and manual treatment methods such as rolfing or osteopathy.

Nasal rinsing with saline solution is considered to be a good adjunctive therapy especially for chronic sinusitis. Less clear are the positive effects of orthomolecular therapy (high doses of vitamins and minerals), which may also be used in sinusitis.

Inhaling relieves the discomfort caused by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. (Image: Martin Christ /

Kneipp's hydrotherapy treatments are beneficial and beneficial for sinusitis. Experts recommend inhaling in particular because it combines the beneficial effects of medicinal herbs or essential oils with the alleviating effect of heat stimuli. For example, a steam bath with chamomile is very suitable because it has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Chamomile steam bath against sinusitis

  1. Bring 2 to 3 liters of water to a boil
  2. Put a handful of dried chamomile flowers or 4 bags of chamomile tea in a heat-resistant bowl
  3. Pour the boiling water over it
  4. Keep your face slightly above the bowl and place a towel over your head and bowl to prevent water vapor escaping the sides
  5. With the eyes closed, inhale the vapors deeply for about 10 minutes
  6. Then wash the face with lukewarm water and cream carefully

In the mineral therapy with Schüßler salts, for example, potassium chloratum (Schüssler salt No. 4), Silicea (No. 11) and potassium sulfuricum (No. 6) are used for the treatment. As with most inflammatory diseases, sinusitis is also thought to be related to the acid-base balance or a possible acidity. An appropriate regulation on the conversion of nutrition or intestinal rehabilitation is therefore often part of the naturopathic treatment.

Natural treatment with medicinal plants and aromatherapy

The positive effect of individual phytonutrients is made use of, for example, the so-called myrole. The remedy is made from eucalyptus oil, myrtle oil, sweet orange oil and lemon oil. The high concentration of the essential oils (limonene, cineole and pinene) has an expectorant effect when taken and promises relief in acute sinusitis.

Other essential oils also have a positive effect. These include concoctions based on gentian root, verbena, garden sorrel, elderflower and cowslip flowers. Furthermore, the ingredients of the chamomile flower and the horseradish are to be mentioned as herbal medicines against the inflammation of the sinuses. Drinking herbal tea (for example based on chamomile, thyme, sage or ribwort) eases the symptoms and is a proven home remedy for colds and sinusitis.

Lots of fresh air, exercise, healthy diet and enough sleep strengthen the immune system and thereby help to prevent sinusitis. (Image: Aliaksandr Barouski /

Prevention of sinusitis

In terms of prevention, all measures that generally strengthen the immune system are recommended. These include above all a healthy, balanced diet, sufficient sleep, regular exercise, plenty of fresh air and the reduction of negative stress. To calm down and relieve tension, various relaxation exercises and stress relieving techniques, such as massage therapy, can be used. Yoga or autogenic training.

Tobacco consumption should be avoided if possible, because the smoke attacks the mucous membranes. In winter, the head should be kept as warm as possible and be provided in heated indoor rooms for sufficient humidity.

If you have colds that are already common, proper nasal cleaning is particularly important. Patients should take care not to exert too much pressure, as otherwise secretions in the sinuses will be increased. Ideally, only one nostril is snapped at low pressure while the other remains closed with a finger. Subsequently, the procedure is repeated at the other nostril.

A proven home remedy for cold are inhalations with sodium chloride or addition of essential oils to rid the nose and facilitate the outflow of the secretion. Accompanying the persons affected it is recommended to drink a lot of herbal tea or water (at least two liters a day). (fp, nr, last updated on February 9, 2017)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)