Sinusitis nasal shower helpful, inhalation barely

Sinusitis nasal shower helpful, inhalation barely / Health News
Water vapor inhalation does not reduce the symptoms of sinusitis
When people suffer from chronic sinusitis (sinusitis), they are often advised to use nasal irrigation or perform a water vapor inhalation to achieve symptom relief. Researchers have now found out that inhaling steam does not bring any benefits. But the nose shower.

If the nose is always blocked and there is sinusitis (sinusitis), many people try to solve these problems by inhaling water vapor. This old and well-known home remedy should definitely help with some diseases of the nose. Scientists at Southampton University have now announced in a press release that so-called steam inhalation has no effect and is therefore not an effective form of treatment. The physicians published the results of the study in the journal "Canadian Medical Association Journal" (CMAJ).

The inhalation of water vapor and nasal irrigation are old home remedies for treating sinusitis. Scientists have now found out that water vapor inhalations bring no improvement in this disease. (Image: Dan Race /

Antibiotics are often not effective in chronic sinusitis
Many people in the world suffer from chronic sinusitis. In the United States alone, about 25 million adults are affected by the condition. To alleviate the symptoms, many sufferers use steam inhalations or nasal irrigation, the researchers say. Alternatively, some physicians also suggest additional treatment with antibiotics. However, these are often ineffective and the improper use contributes to an increase in global antibiotic resistance, warns study director Professor Paul Little. It is important in this day and age to be careful not to prescribe antibiotics senselessly. Across the world, medical professionals are stepping up their fight against antibiotic resistance to maintain the efficacy of these drugs.

Nearly 900 subjects are tested for nasal and vapor inhalation efficacy
The new UK study tested the effectiveness of nasal irrigation and vapor inhalation in chronic sinusitis. The type of treatment is often recommended by family doctors. The new study looked at 871 patients who were randomly assigned to one of four different treatments, the researchers say. One group received the usual care, the second group got nasal irrigation with a salt water solution and a video tutorial for proper implementation. The third group received steam inhalation and the fourth group of volunteers were treated with a combination of steam inhalation and nasal irrigation, explains Professor Paul Little of Southampton University.

Steam inhalation brings no relief of symptoms
The results of the investigations clearly show that patients who used nasal irrigation found an improvement in their condition. The condition of the patients was examined once at three months and once at six months, say the doctors. However, no relief of symptoms could be detected with steam inhalation treatment.

Nasal irrigation leads to less headache and less use of medication
But there were other effects. The subjects of the nasal-rinsed groups also used fewer other medications and had fewer headaches than those who did not receive nasal irrigation, the authors explain in their study.

Specific instructions for nasal irrigation improve the results
The positive effects of nasal irrigation are much lower in the current study than in previous studies. In these, however, the subjects had an even more intensive explanation of how to perform a nasal rinse, the scientists report. Further research is now urgently needed. This is the only way we can understand how much explanation and guidance is needed to provide optimal nasal irrigation, the authors add. (As)