Palpitations - Causes and Treatment

Palpitations - Causes and Treatment / symptoms

Hear your own heart beat

Palpitations can be purely psychological in nature, but also occur together with a variety of diseases. As a rule, the normal heartbeat is not perceived at all, unless it is consciously respected. However, if the intensity, the rhythm and / or the frequency change, the heartbeat becomes noticeable.

Feeling your own heartbeat is usually felt to be rather uncomfortable. Often, sufferers seek out an internist or cardiologist to help with this problem. The peculiar feeling that one's own heartbeat consciously and, moreover, massively perceives, is usually also associated with anxiety. In any case, going to the doctor is a necessity to rule out more serious illnesses or to start on time with appropriate treatment.


  • Hear your own heart beat
  • Illnesses with palpitations
  • Beating heart in hyperthyroidism
  • Palpitations during menopause
  • Conscious perception of one's own heartbeat in migraine
  • Cause anemia
  • Somatoform disorders
  • Palpitations without disease
  • research methods
  • Treatment with a beating heart
  • Naturopathy with palpitations

Illnesses with palpitations

Palpitations is not a disease in itself, but a symptom that may be associated with various diseases. Cardiac arrhythmias, such as extrasystoles (also called heart stumbling), tachycardia and tachyarrhythmias, can be associated with a beating heart. In these diseases, the heart rate or the rhythm of the heartbeat is disturbed. This does not necessarily have to be pathological, but also occurs in healthy people. However, a medical examination is absolutely necessary.

There may be a variety of reasons for the heart palpably tapping. In order not to take any risks, a medical examination should always be carried out. (Image: Edler von Rabenstein /

In extrasystoles, extra heartbeats occur outside normal heart rhythm. In tachycardia, the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute. Tachyarrhythmia is a combination of arrhythmia (tachycardia) and tachycardia (tachycardia).

Likewise, an insufficient aortic valve can lead to the symptom of palpitations. The aortic valve is located between the left ventricle and the aorta. The term aortic valve regurgitation describes the condition of a valve that does not fully close during ventricular diastole, causing blood to flow back into the left ventricle. Fast fatigue and the conscious perception of one's own heartbeat fit this condition.

In the orthostatic dysregulation, a recurrent drop in blood pressure when changing from lying to standing, sufferers complain of fatigue, poor performance, dizziness, but also occasionally heart palpitations.

Beating heart in hyperthyroidism

Even in diseases that are not directly related to the cardiovascular system, palpitations are possible. For example, in hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism). In addition to symptoms such as cardiac arrhythmia, heat sensitivity, weight loss and respiratory distress, heart palpitations are also included.

In hypoglycaemia, the blood sugar level is below 50 mg / dl. Those affected suffer from fatigue, dizziness, trembling, inner restlessness, cravings, difficulty concentrating and also with palpitations.

Palpitations during menopause

The menopause (menopause) is a time in a woman's life that can be associated with a variety of symptoms. Especially when the estrogen gets less and less, many women complain of sweating without, occasionally associated with the conscious perception of heartbeats.

Conscious perception of one's own heartbeat in migraine

Someone who suffers from migraines knows the crippling, bursting headache. This is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, eye flares, blurred vision and sometimes the unpleasant palpitations of the heart.

Many migraine sufferers have the unpleasant sensation of feeling their own heartbeat. (Image: eggeeggjiew /

Cause anemia

Another cause of feeling your own heartbeat as unpleasant knocking or throbbing is anemia (anemia). Either the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and / or hemoglobin (red blood pigment) and hematocrit (proportion of the cellular components of the total blood volume) is reduced.

The affected patients are tired, impotent, they look pale and their mucous membranes and conjunctival membranes are quite bright. So that the body can compensate for the condition of anemia and still transport enough oxygen to the cells, the heart beats faster and the patients feel this unusually fast, strong or irregular heart action.

Somatoform disorders

Somatoform disorders are physical disorders caused by mental stress, but without organic causes. Special events of life often play a major role in the development of this disease. The physical symptoms are many and varied. These include inner restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, depressive moods and palpitations.

Palpitations are also often associated with anxiety or even panic attacks. Especially in patients who suffer from a phobia, palpitations is a recurrent concomitant symptom.

Palpitations without disease

Fever and addictive or addictive substances, such as coffee, tea, drugs or certain medications, can also trigger the unpleasant feeling in the heart area. In addition, the psyche is able to provide for heart palpitations. Fear, panic, horror but also great joy can quickly and suddenly make your heart rattle and lead to this unpleasant feeling. Who does not know the saying "the heart beats to the neck", as if the heart were in the throat. In the positive sense, someone who is really in love with a strong throbbing heart before the meeting of the loved one, or for the joy of a great event.

Caution is advised when taking medication in conjunction with caffeinated drinks. The most diverse interactions, as well as an increased heart rate with noticeable palpitations, can arise.

research methods

Important for a detailed, meaningful history is the question of the first appearance of the heartbeat, the accompanying symptoms and the duration of the seizure. The doctor asks for medication that the patient takes. For example, drugs such as digitalis, theophylline, or beta-2 agonists can cause side effects such as palpitations. Digitalis is a so-called cardiac glycoside that is used to make the heart rate more effective. Theophylline and beta-2 agonists are both agents that cause dilation of the bronchi in severe asthma.

The age of the patient is important, familial dispositions and the presence of cardiovascular disease as well. Sometimes the patient is asked by the attending physician to try to tap the frequency with his fingers. Heart and lungs are auscultated, usually follows a resting ECG (electrocardiogram), possibly also a stress ECG. Another non-invasive method of examination is echocardiography, an ultrasound of the heart. A detailed blood count completes the diagnosis.

If stress is the reason for the beating heart, relaxation exercises can be a very good help. (Image: fizkes /

Treatment with a beating heart

Recurring complaints must be clarified by a doctor. The treatment depends on the diagnosis. If no pathological causes are found and stress is the trigger for the symptom, relaxing and calming measures are recommended. Those affected should learn to deal with stress. The various relaxation methods, such as yoga, meditation or autogenic training help.

Naturopathic remedies, for example in the field of homeopathy or the Schüssler salts, can additionally contribute to relaxation. In any case, palpitations should not be self-treated.

Naturopathy with palpitations

Even if the patient has to undergo conventional medical treatment, naturopathy can certainly support it.

The homeopathic remedy Lachesis (Buschmeisterschlange) helps women who are in the menopause and suffer from hot flashes and the conscious perception of their own heartbeat. In sudden violent palpitations, also originated from sleep, Aconitum (monkshood) is the homeopathic remedy of choice. Often the cause for the unpleasant heart actions is not known, here can Naja tripudians (eyeglasses snake) remedy.

Schüssler salts can relieve the annoying symptom. For example, in palpitations that disturbs the nocturnal sleep. If it adds to the fear and sadness, the salt No.6 potassium sulfuricum is the right remedy. The heart actions on exercise are aggravated, helps No. 4 potassium chloratum. Feels the person affected, as the blood rises in the head, the choice falls on the salt No.3 Ferrum phosphoricum.

Those who like to drink tea can get relief with a mixture of hops, valerian and lemon balm. Essential oils, such as lavender, neroli and rose, can be relieved when used in breath or mixed with a carrier oil for rubbing.

Acupuncture, ear acupuncture, foot reflex zone massages and diversion procedures are treatment options that are also used in naturopathic practice for palpitations. Relaxing massages, such as the Ayurveda massage, the head oil massage or a gentle massage with matching essential oils complete the treatment concept.

In addition, should be asked about the diet and drinking habits. So a balanced, food is recommended, which is free of spicy spices and contains little animal substances. Beverages containing caffeine should be drunk only in moderation or completely avoided. First and foremost, the patient should be advised that in principle, the intake of medication should not take place with drinks containing caffeine. (sw, last updated on 1.3.2018)