Heart failure Moderate training even in heart failure is healthy

Heart failure Moderate training even in heart failure is healthy / Health News
3,000 steps in 30 minutes: Physical training for patients with heart failure
Cardiac insufficiency (heart failure) is one of the most common fatal diseases. Those affected have been advised to avoid any physical exertion. But researchers now report that moderate training can bring health benefits to patients.

One of the most common fatal diseases
Cardiac insufficiency (heart failure) affects more than 20 million people worldwide and is also one of the most common fatal diseases in Germany. As a result of this disease, the heart is no longer able to provide the body with sufficient blood and oxygen. Previously, it was thought that exercise would result in damaged heart ventricular expansion in heart failure. German and Norwegian scientists disprove this previous assumption and give recommendations on what training should look like in people with heart failure.

For a long time, people with cardiac insufficiency have been strictly prohibited from exercising physically, as it has been feared that it will further degrade the heart's pumping function. Researchers now report that moderate training helps with heart failure. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Patients have long been advised against physical exertion
In recent years, new approaches to the treatment of heart failure have been reported repeatedly.

For example, scientists at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) found that some patients could help with more iron because it makes the heart more resilient.

Physical exertion was previously discouraged. However, scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Technical-Scientific University in Trondheim (NTNU, Norway) now report that assisted training helps with cardiac insufficiency.

Drug therapy has been the focus of attention so far
"Heart failure has so far focused on drug therapy. This was complemented by a pacemaker that optimizes the contraction of the heart muscle and a defibrillator - both intended to prevent a sudden cardiac death by cardiac arrhythmia, "said Professor Martin Halle of the Department of Preventive and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine of the Technical University of Munich in a statement.

According to the experts, sufferers have been strictly prohibited from physical exercise for a long time, as it has been feared that this will further worsen the heart's pumping function.

However, in recent years, scientific research has shown that supplemental physical training is more resilient and reduces hospital stays due to worsening symptoms.

Prognosis of patients was significantly improved
For a study now published in the journal "Circulation" of the American Heart Association, physicians in nine European centers investigated which form of exercise has the same effect as a damaged heart.

"With this study, we are demonstrating how moderate sports therapy significantly improves the prognosis of patients," says Halle.

In the period from 2009 to 2014, a total of 261 patients with heart failure were divided into three groups and underwent various training sessions over a period of 52 weeks.

First of all, a three-month medical training course was conducted with all three groups and a recommendation to continue the intervention for a further nine months.

Improvement of the pumping function
It was found that patients who attended supervised moderate exercise for twelve weeks compared to those who exercised alone achieved the better effects.

"We were able to observe a reduction in the left ventricle and thus an improvement in the pumping function," explained Halle. "And her general physical condition improved."

The study found no significant differences between high-intensity interval training and regular standard training at moderate intensity.

"Overall, this new study highlights how much moderate-intensity regular exercise is recommended for all patients with systolic heart failure," concluded Halle, "but personally, I'd advise against higher intensities until we know more about it and can look back on long-term outcomes. "

3,000 steps in 30 minutes
The doctor has a specific tip in the message: "Moderate training means around a hundred steps per minute or 3,000 steps in 30 minutes."

The experts also list the benefits of sports therapy for heart patients: the heart is relieved and strengthened by an improved heart muscle function. New blood vessels are formed and existing ones expanded. Blood pressure increases and blood lipid levels are lowered.

The oxygen uptake from the blood improves. The risk of cardiac and vascular emergencies such as heart attack and stroke is falling. The resilience and performance is increased. (Ad)