Oily Hair - Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies

Oily Hair - Causes, Treatment and Home Remedies / symptoms
When our hairs hang down in strands and shine oily, we quickly have the image of the uncultivated. Someone with greasy hair is considered a person who cares neither for his personal hygiene nor for his life, lies on the sofa and does not wash himself.


  • The sebaceous glands
  • Treatment with fatty hair
  • Which shampoo for greasy hair?
  • Home remedy for greasy hair
  • Healthy eating
  • Attention to hairstyles
  • Fat from the outside

Hair is thread-like protein molecules and consist of keratin (like nails). They develop into the hair follicles of the skin, arrange themselves into spindles and harden. Hair fibers are made up of millions of these spindles, plus fats and water. The sheath of each hair forms a layer of horn scales. Hormones, diseases, medications and nutrition affect the structure of the hair.

Greasy hair is very restrictive for those affected. (Image: ag visual / fotolia.com)

But the hair itself is neither healthy nor unhealthy, for it is made of dead matter. Vitamins and minerals affect the scalp in which the hair grows, not the hair itself.

The sebaceous glands

The sebaceous glands release sebum over the scalp to the hair and thus provide a degree of protection of hair and scalp. If the sebum is too much, then the hair will be greasy. This may actually be due to lack of care, because if we do not take a shower for weeks, even normal hair greasy. However, the sebaceous glands of many people produce too much of a good thing, some people have more of these glands by birth, others have hormones that change, and others have fine hair that looks greasy quicker.

Teenagers are particularly affected and doubly so. On the one hand, the "good looks" in puberty play a special role, and some youngsters relieve their insecurity on classmates: Who sweats a lot, sees himself branded as a "cougar", who suffers from acne is called "crumb cake", and who greasy Hair has draws similarly nasty nicknames on itself. At the same time, the hormone release of this phase of life ensures increased sebum production. Not only pimples, but also greasy hair make the young man.

Treatment with fatty hair

Those who are prone to greasy hair, usually tries to get the sebum by frequent hair washing to get a grip. Unfortunately, this does not usually lead to the desired result. The more often the sebum is washed out, the more glands produce.

Dermatologists advise, therefore, even if it is difficult for a few days to wash the hair, so that the glands calm down.

It is also wrong to have a hot shower in the evening and to wash your hair while doing so. The heat activates the glands, which also release more sebum during the night anyway. It is better to wash your hair in the morning with lukewarm water.

Even frequent brushing is not advisable: it distributes the fat in the hair, which collects on the scalp. Baby powder and dry shampoo, on the other hand, are effective: they absorb the sebum.

Which shampoo for greasy hair?

If you suffer from greasy hair, you should avoid rinsing and do not use shampoos containing oils and fats. Clay or clay rinse works much like shampoo and also absorbs fat.

Healing earth can achieve good results with greasy hair. (Image: PhotoSG / fotolia.com)

More important than the shampoo, however, is the method: You should not massage the shampoo into the scalp, as the massage inspires the glands.

However, the choice of shampoo does not play the role that advertising suggests. Greasy hair is not a hair problem but a skin problem. The focus is therefore less on the hair care, but how we deal with our scalp.

Anti-fat shampoos contain many surfactants and are also mild so they do not dry out the scalp, which would provoke them to produce more sebum.

Folk medicine knows extracts of chamomile, rosemary, yarrow and horsetail to prevent greasy hair. Medical shampoos with tar help when the greasy hair is a real problem. Shampoos with seaweed, stinging nettle or horsetail extract are also recommended. Silicones, on the other hand, have a moisturizing effect and should therefore be avoided.

Home remedy for greasy hair

1) Lemon juice removes sebum on the scalp.

2) Apple cider vinegar regulates PH, gives the scalp vitamins and minerals.

3) Black tea and mate contain tannic acid, which curbs excessive production of sebum.

4) Oat and maize flour suck up the fat like baby powder.

5) Yoghurt also prevents the scalp from greasing.

6) Clay powder, stirred with water to mush, we apply to the scalp and let it act for 15 minutes. The porridge absorbs the fat and the skin does not lose weight. The soil is rinsed with lukewarm water.

A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables can alleviate the suffering. (Image: Alexander Raths / fotolia.com)

Healthy eating

If you naturally have more sebaceous glands in your scalp, you can not change that. But if the hormone level, stress or malnutrition is responsible for the overproduction of sebum, a balanced diet helps: plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Attention to hairstyles

Who shaves his head, has no more problems with greasy hair. However, it does not have to be that radical; smaller tricks already help: Short hair cuts have the advantage that they can be washed and blow-dried faster.

Buffing hair increases the distance between the hair and the scalp and thus the distance to the sebum. Perms and dyes dry hair. Fatty hair even has an advantage here: While people with dry hair make such hairstyles supple with oil, the sebum does it on its own with greasy hair.

Gel in the hair or hair sprays make a virtue out of necessity. The wet or patent look looks so intentional.

People with greasy hair should wear this open: braids, braided hair, ponytails and other hairstyles, where the hair is close to the head, ensure that they are directly in contact with the sebum.

Anyone who suffers from greasy hair should also not wear tight-fitting caps. First, the sufferers sweat underneath and second, they press the hair on the scalp.

Fat from the outside

Sometimes the fat does not come from the sebaceous glands of the scalp, but from the outside. We constantly run our fingers through our hair, we sit in a greasy kitchen or we sleep on a sweaty pillow. Then you have to change this behavior. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)