Fatty liver Increased liver values ​​cause a pathological liver

Fatty liver Increased liver values ​​cause a pathological liver / Health News
Current estimates show that around 10 million people in Germany have elevated liver values. This also increases the risk of developing liver disease over the course of life. These illnesses are usually heavy and thus life-threatening. To avoid liver cirrhosis and liver cell cancer, early diagnosis is crucial. Only then are there any chances of recovery. Therefore, the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS) on the occasion of the German Liver Day on November 20, recommends to regularly have the liver values ​​measured by the family doctor.
Even doctors sometimes tend to bagatalize elevated liver values. However, they belong to carefully considered and treated. Most obese patients have high scores. The endangered people include alcoholics and drug addicts. Also at risk are patients who take medications permanently belong to the risk group, according to the DGVS. The organizers of the campaign "New Opportunities for the Liver" are the Gastro-Liga, Deutsche Leberhilfe and the Deutsche Leberstiftung.

Check the liver values ​​more often. Picture: ag visual - fotolia

Liver diseases are usually gradual, usually cause no symptoms and are therefore detected late. Untreated liver disease can lead in the long term to liver cirrhosis, ie scarring of the liver, or to liver cell cancer. As a result, the tissue is destroyed, often only one transplant saves the patient.

"In doing so, we can successfully treat or even cure many liver diseases on the basis of a timely diagnosis," explains DGVS spokesman Professor Dr. med. med. Christian Trautwein from Aachen. For hepatitis B, antiviral treatment could prevent the disease from progressing. The hepatitis C virus can even be completely eliminated with new drugs.

The most common liver disease in Germany is non-alcoholic fatty liver. It affects about 30 percent of the population. As a rule, the disease is attributed to health risk factors such as obesity, unbalanced diet and physical inactivity. Also, excessive alcohol consumption leads to fatty liver. In women, 10 grams of alcohol per day are considered harmless to a healthy liver. That's equivalent to a quarter liter of beer or an eighth of a liter of wine. For men, twice that amount is the limit. In addition, metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or lipid metabolism disorders can promote the development of fatty liver.

"Our goal must be to diagnose liver disease before it comes to long-term consequences such as cirrhosis or liver cell cancer," said Trautwein. For example, a fatty liver can completely regress if the cause is eliminated. One of the most common genetic liver diseases, the so-called iron storage disease, can treat physicians with the help of medications and regular bloodletting. "In this disease, too much iron accumulates in the body and the liver can be severely damaged," explains Trautwein. "The therapy aims to reduce the iron content in the body." Even medicines can cause liver damage. The drugs that often affect the liver, in addition to acetaminophen and certain rheumatic drugs are mainly antibiotics.

The DGVS demands the inclusion of a liver test into the preventive health insurance program. For example, although a blood sample is taken at "Check-up 35 plus", the collection of liver enzymes has not been part of the program so far. "The early detection of hepatitis or fatty liver could reduce sequelae and their treatment costs," says Trautwein. Cash registers currently only cover the costs of a liver function test if there is a suspicion.

It is possible to normalize the liver values ​​before serious illnesses can develop. In consultation with the family doctor, treatment methods of naturopathy can also be used. On these pages: "Detoxify the liver" you will learn more.

The German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases (DGVS) was founded in 1913 as a scientific society for the study of digestive organs. Today, it brings together more than 5,000 gastroenterologists and scientists under one roof. The DGVS very successfully promotes scientific projects and studies, organizes congresses and advanced training and actively supports young scientists. A special concern of the DGVS is the development of standards and treatment guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive organs - for the benefit of the patient. (pm, sb)