Cecal irritation - symptoms and therapy

Cecal irritation - symptoms and therapy / symptoms

Under an appendicitis, the medicine understands the irritation of the blindly ending appendix of the appendix. This is located in humans in the right half of the body in the lower abdomen. At the age of 9 to 14 years, the most common symptoms are appendicitis. Since the course of the disease in children is often atypical, medical advice should always be sought. The appendicitis is initially not threatening. However, if it develops into appendicitis, surgery is usually unavoidable because of the risk of cecal eruption. Therefore, it is strongly advised to consult a doctor, even in the case of suspected appendicitis, in order to rule out inflammation with serious consequences.


Causes of irritation
treatment methods


The most common symptoms of appendicitis include abdominal pain and abdominal cramping. The intensity of the pain can vary widely, ranging from mild to very severe pain. Many sufferers also complain of a touch pain. Even touching clothes or a blanket can cause unbearable pain. Another indication of irritation of the cecum may be the so-called release pain. If a doctor puts his finger on the painful area and then suddenly lets go, this symptom diagnosis causes pain. Those affected often take a crooked posture. In general, the patients try to move as little as possible to avoid discomfort.

Irritation of the cecum may require rapid medical help. (Image: bilderzwerg / fotolia.com)

In some cases, fever occurs with chills. Children are more likely to suffer from this condition than adults. The same applies to nausea and vomiting. Important: The symptoms described also occur in appendicitis and are therefore no clear indication of an appendix irritation! Anyone suffering from these complaints should be immediately admitted to a hospital as an emergency. If patients wait too long, life-threatening situations can occur. It threatens an appendicitis an appendectomy.

Causes of irritation

Through its numerous lymphoid follicles easily pathogens can nest in the appendix of the appendix and cause inflammation. Sometimes foreign bodies such as Cherry or grape seeds trigger an infection. The kinking of the appendix may also lead to inflammation as in rare cases a worm infestation.

Irritations of the cecum are often associated with pain. (Image: decade3d / fotolia.com)

treatment methods

While acute appendicitis usually requires immediate surgery to remove the appendix appendix, mild to moderate appendicitis may be partially treated with antibiotics. In some cases, the irritation even disappears on its own. From a treatment with naturopathic treatment is not recommended, as in any case must first clarify conventional medicine, in how far the risk of an appendicitis exists. The intake of antibiotics is often unavoidable. If clinically appendicitis has been ruled out, Schuessler salts can be used to assist healing in the event of irritation. A homeopathic doctor or naturopath usually prescribes appropriate therapies. (Ag)