Blind women feel bad cancer tumors

Blind women feel bad cancer tumors / Health News

Touch makes cancer diagnosis possible


The blind usually have a particularly strong sense of touch, which can be helpful in the diagnosis of breast cancer. The Vocational Support Centers for the Blind and Visually Impaired (BFW) in Düren, Mainz, Nuremberg and Halle therefore provide medical palpation examiners who can feel tumors at a very early stage. Although these are not a substitute, they are a good supplement for ultrasound examinations and conventional mammography.

Palpation: looking for tumors
„Medical palpation researchers use their distinctive tactility to improve medical diagnostics“, reports the BFW Halle. This makes sense especially in the context of early breast cancer detection. With her hands, blind women feel cysts and cancers on breasts. For this purpose, the women undergo training on the basis of the project „Discovering hands®“, which was started by the gynecologist Frank Hoffmann in August 2006 at the BFW Düren. The project aimed to cover an improved range of medical services and the improved participation of blind women in the labor market. This will be achieved „by training blind women for the first time in a medical assistant job for use in gynecological practices or gynecological clinics, so that you can improve and expand the range of services here“, so the message of the BFW Düren. Appropriate training for blind women is offered by the BFW in Düren, Halle, Mainz and Nuremberg.

Nine-month training as a medical palpation examiner
As part of the training blind women practicing, among other things on silicone breasts by means of filigree movements to feel their fingertips smallest changes in the structure, reports the news agency „dpa“. In total, the training lasts nine months, in which the women initially „theoretical knowledge of structure, function as well as benign and malignant diseases of the breast“ is conveyed, says the BFW Halle. Furthermore, that forms „Learning and practical application of the examination method“, the „Development and learning of general medical basics“ and the „Training medical writing / specialist terminology“ important components of the training. Also patient-oriented social behavior and a three-month internship in a gynecological practice and clinic are on the program.

No substitute for ultrasound and mammography
The 41-year-old Silke Germersdorf has undergone training and is today medical palpationist (MTU). Originally she was a trained technical draftsman, but at the age of 28, her retina detached, so the announcement of the „dpa“. Germersdorf had to give up her job. Later followed by an eye surgery because of her cataract, which remained as a kind of side effect of the so-called Nachstar, the news agency continues ... Today, the 41-year-old blind, but as a medical tactile examiner back to work. „Although we do not replace ultrasound and mammography, we are a good match“, becomes Germersdorf of the „dpa“ cited. In addition, the patients would notice that someone takes time for them and feel well in the examinations. „An examination lasts up to 30 minutes“, MTU continues.

Apprenticeship training for the blind and visually impaired
In the BFW Halle, according to the announcement of the „dpa“ now for the second time blind women trained to MTUs. One participant got the certificate already in the first year, three more recently passed their exam successfully, so the „dpa“ citing André Kunnig from the BFW Halle. Another participant in the training program was Susann Arnold, who was actually a graduate social worker. She is very sensitive to light and noticed her first vision problems when she was 16 years old, she says „dpa“. During her studies, the so-called cones-rod dystrophy had become significantly worse and today recognizes the 35-year-old only in low light outlines. When scanning the breast, she orientates herself with the help of some glued red and white stripes, which serve as a kind of grid. On the basis of the stripes, she could later name the exact spot where she noticed a bump in her breast. The coordinates are entered in an Excel spreadsheet and „We pass the data on to the doctor who then talks to the patient“, becomes Arnold of the „dpa“ cited.

Men can also develop breast cancer
The aspiring MTU Susann Arnold refers to the „dpa“ to the fact that even men can develop breast cancer and therefore in the training also men breasts were scanned. Overall, the educated women within the nine-month training a comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge of breast cancer mediated, which in combination with her particularly sensitive sense of touch often allows a particularly early detection of tissue changes. Meanwhile, the Tastprüfuchung according to the project company „Discovering Hands“ offered nationwide in 20 gynecological practices and clinics, reports the „dpa“.

Earlier diagnosis possible
Early diagnosis plays a key role in the treatment of breast cancer, and in the future, MTUs could help save thousands of lives. According to the German Cancer Research Center, 70,340 patients were diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time in 2010 alone. „The average age at which women develop breast cancer is below that for cancer in general. About one in four women under the age of 55 is diagnosed and one in ten is even younger than 45“, so the DKFZ on. The examination by an MTU could provide early evidence of the disease even at a young age and thus significantly improve the chances of treatment. If a positive result is found, additional diagnostic and therapeutic measures can be initiated immediately by a specialist. (Fp)

Image: Discovering Hands