Discomfort when urinating (bladder emptying disorder)

Discomfort when urinating (bladder emptying disorder) / symptoms

Urinary Tract Disorders - Problems Urinating

Symptoms of urinary deficiency may be manifested in frequency and quality in various diseases. Urinary symptoms may occur singly or in combination, with or without pain, and may be due to dysfunction of other organs or organ systems as well as the urinary organs.


  • Urinary Tract Disorders - Problems Urinating
  • Quick remedy for cystitis
  • Possible symptoms of a bladder voiding disorder
  • Inflammatory processes as a cause
  • Frequent urinary urgency with small amounts of urine
  • Mechanical causes of painful urination
  • Increased urination at night
  • Painless urination with large amounts of urine
  • Neurogenic bladder emptying disorders

Quick remedy for cystitis

Cystitis is often responsible for severe burning, pressure and pain during urination. Effective home remedies for cystitis can support the healing process and alleviate the symptoms here. It can even be a simple heat therapy with a hot water bottle or a grain pillow first remedy. A juniper cure or tea from bearberry leaves have also been proven. In homeopathy, coccosis often involves okoubaka or nux vomica.

Attention: Discomfort when urinating can have many causes, which are explained in more detail below. If the urine problems persist for a long time or severe pain occurs, you should consult a doctor. This also applies if additional symptoms such as pus or blood in the urine occur.

Possible symptoms of a bladder voiding disorder

A number of complaints can be made if there are regular pains or problems with urination, which should be clarified by a specialist. These include, for example:

  • dysuria: A complicated, delayed urination, which usually develops painful.
  • Algurie: Burning pain during urination.
  • stranguria: The pain is accompanied by a not to be suppressed urgency.
  • pollakiuria: The normal amount of urine can be deposited only in small portions ("drop by drop") by frequent urination.
  • Blasentenesmen: Frequent urination with severe spasmodic pain above the pubis.
  • cystalgiaIf no physical causes for the painful urination can be found, it may be a stimulus blister.
  • oliguria: Frequent urinary frequency with small amounts.
Prostate diseases can cause discomfort when urinating. (Image: Henrie / fotolia.com)

Inflammatory processes as a cause

The symptoms are usually combined and require medical clarification. Most commonly, they are due to inflammatory processes that cause the body to get rid of germs, stones or debris that has entered the lower urinary tract. The following diseases, which are manifested by painful urination, are based on inflammatory processes:

  • Cystitis (cystitis),
  • urethritis,
  • urethritis,
  • acute pyelonephritis or chronic pyelonephritis,
  • Prostate inflammation (often symptoms such as urgency, man's outflow, fever and chills are added).

Frequent urinary urgency with small amounts of urine

Frequent urinary urgency with the discharge of only small amounts of urine (oliguria), possibly even just as urine dripping, may be a sign of urinary incontinence (bladder weakness), an enlarged prostate (prostate adenoma) or tumors on the urethra or bladder. In acute or progressive renal failure urine production can also be completely absent (anuria). This is a medical emergency that requires medical attention as quickly as possible.

Frequent urination with both very large and very small amounts of urine may be an indication of underlying disease. (Image: WoGi / fotolia.com)

Mechanical causes of painful urination

Some complaints can be caused by an obstacle or constriction, which prevents the urine from draining freely. These mechanical causes are often accompanied by an increase in pressure in the urinary tract. Possible mechanical causes are for example:

  • bladder stones,
  • a pronounced foreskin narrowing,
  • a narrowing of the urethra mouth,
  • Scarring in the urethra,
  • a benign enlargement of the prostate gland (see: symptoms of prostate enlargement),
  • a carcinoma of the lower urinary tract (cancer),
  • Constrictions in vessels or hollow organs (stenoses),
  • kidney congestion.

Increased urination at night

The urge to frequent nocturnal urination is also called nocturia and is found in healthy people after excessive hydration in the evenings, especially alcoholics or by taking diuretics (diuretic drugs) such as the asthma drug theophylline or some antidepressants. Some drinks, such as stinging nettle or birch tea, have a diuretic effect. If an increased urination at night in combination with bilateral leg swelling (edema), it may be a heart failure (heart failure). Furthermore, an overactive bladder can be the reason for very frequent urination, which occurs especially at rest before going to sleep, but also at night awakening.

Whether or not there is pain while urinating is a first indication of the possible cause behind the bladder emptying disorder. (Image: heilpraxis.de/leremy/fotolia.com)

Painless urination with large amounts of urine

If there is a noticeable amount of drinking, with strong thirst as well as a frequent urge to urinate (large amounts of urine) (polyuria), the following possible causes may be the cause:

  • Diabetes mellitus (diabetes),
  • Diabetes insipidus (mostly hormonal kidney dysfunction),
  • Alcohol abuse (alcoholism),
  • Hyperthyroidism (hyperthyrosis).

Neurogenic bladder emptying disorders

Neurogenic bladder voiding disorder includes all urinary dysfunction caused by a neurological disorder. These include, for example, diseases such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, spina bifida, Parkinson's disease, a herniated disc or paraplegia. These neurological disorders can be manifested by an overactive, small-volume bladder as well as a flaccid, atonic bladder. (jvs, vb, updated on June 27, 2018)