Nausea in the morning - causes and therapy

Do you know that? They wake up and feel they need to vomit. Or the head is buzzing, and when you straighten up, do you feel dizzy? Pregnant women know how to sing a song, partygoers after a night of drinking too. But the nausea in the morning can also have various other causes.
- Nausea in the morning through sumptuous supper
- Mental problems
- Nausea in the morning due to pregnancy
- Help and therapy for pregnant women in morning sickness
- Morning sickness by a hangover
- Why are children complaining of morning sickness??
The AMA Council of UK General Practice also knows "morning people". The body usually releases hormones at a certain time of the day: adrenalin in the morning and melatonin in the night. But if this rhythm shifts, it leads to bad feelings when getting up. Our "activity hormone", the adrenalin, is missing now, and with it the "gasoline", to rev up the engine.

Nausea in the morning through sumptuous supper
Do you have abdominal pain in the morning? Then maybe you were eating too heavy and too much the night before. A luscious meal with greasy meat, cream sauce and potato dumplings must first digest the body. While you are lying down, too much stomach acid builds up and this causes stomach ache. You can avoid this by eating only light meals in the evening. Suitable are fruits and nuts, soups and low-fat fish dishes.
If the stomach has to work in the morning and it hurts, then help it with a glass of lukewarm water. This strengthens digestion and calms the stomach.
Mental problems
We all know days when we do not want to get up - because an appointment with our boss is imminent, because a lot of unfinished work is waiting for us or our relationship is in crisis. On the onerous questions of "once a night to sleep" makes sense, but first the problems affect our dreams, and second, we already think about getting up.
The result is: We put our body in a stress mode. The literally beats on the stomach. In case of loss, lovesickness or severe depression, we feel "bruised". Everything hurts, we have "planes in the stomach", and the first thing we do when we get out of bed is to run to the toilet and vomit.
As "superficial" as it sounds, we can condition ourselves relatively easily to avoid this morning sickness for psychological reasons. Thoughts and feelings do not go away completely involuntarily.
In the case of stressful thoughts, the brain employs chains of association, and it resorts to patterns associated with these thoughts. We can redirect this dynamic by focusing on positive things. This can already be a melody, with which we associate pleasant memories, when ringing the alarm clock.
Also meditation techniques can help or a diary, in which we write as soon as we wake up everything that we have in mind and so build up a distance to the negative patterns.
It does not matter if it's psychologically or organically conditioned: If the symptoms persist for several weeks, then go to a doctor.
Nausea in the morning due to pregnancy
More than every second pregnant woman knows the feeling of waking up in the stomach during the first months with a dull feeling. Familiar smells seem unbearable and they have to be given immediately after waking up. As a rule, these complaints end after the first three months of pregnancy.

Soured food as well as strong spices, fish like eggs, cigarette smoke, after shave or coffee can trigger the nausea in pregnant women. Doctors explain this hypersensitivity with the HCG level, the human chorionic gonadotropin. This forms in the sheath of the amniotic sac and ensures that progesterone is released and promotes the formation of estrogen in the ovaries and placenta. A high level of estrogen is found in nausea.
An indication of this hypothesis is the widespread malaise of pregnant women giving birth to twins or children with trisomy 21. Because these have an increased HCG production.
The HCG level is particularly high in the first weeks, because then the cake is growing. The nausea is therefore not a disease, but an unpleasant, but quite normal process. What's more, pregnant women who suffer from this malaise have fewer miscarriages on average.
Hunger, stress and fatigue increase the morning sickness of pregnant women. One thesis is that the expectant mother lacks the necessary reserves of carbohydrates at night, and this triggers the problems with the stomach. According to them, the pregnant women should make sure they get a kick of carbohydrates the night before, for example by eating a slice of wholegrain bread. An empty stomach means a low blood sugar level, which in turn leads to nausea.
Help and therapy for pregnant women in morning sickness
Although pregnant women can not prevent the nausea, but alleviate. The following measures can help here:
- Eat several small meals instead of a few large ones. This regulates blood sugar.
- Take ginger, whether in the food or as tea.
- Chew nuts or oatmeal. They bind stomach acid. For the same reason, chew bananas or dried fruit.
- Be more likely to get sick with stress faster than usual.
- Always try to sleep enough.
Morning sickness by a hangover
A hangover is known to all who have ever consumed excessively alcohol. The evening started with a merry Christmas, two glasses of beer became three, then four, the wine was added and the whiskey - at some point you wake up, the head is roaring, the stomach is rumbling, getting up is difficult and you start the morning with aspirin and the Head over the toilet bowl.
Of course we prevent a hangover best by not drinking or just a glass. But if you do not want to become a teetotaler, you can get a grip on the nausea in the morning with a few tricks.
For example, do not drink on an empty stomach. For once, eat hearty with lots of fat. Then the alcohol penetrates more slowly into the blood, and the mirror rises more slowly. Nuts, cheese or pretzel sticks also help.
In between, drink water again and again. Cat is always synonymous water shortage. If you consume water during the drink, the blood will stay in the flow and prevent the headache.
Take care of your cigarette consumption. Nicotine lowers the level of alcohol in your blood, giving you the illusion of being able to drink more and more.
Watch out for sugar: Mulled wine, punch and many cocktails contain not only alcohol, but also sugar. Sugar slows down the breakdown of acetaldehyde, a degradation product of alcohol. This is considered one of the main causes of the cat.
If the cat is already roaring in your head and you feel like puking, then you drink water. But keep your fingers away from carbon dioxide. This irritates the stressed stomach additionally. Fruit spritzers and herbal teas are also suitable because they bring additional nutrients to the organism.
Open the windows and take a deep breath. Move, even when it's hard. Physical activity gets the blood moving and the body starts to regenerate.
Eat rollmops. It is full of minerals, salt sticks return the salt to the weakened body. Drink tomato or sauerkraut juice.
For more tips, see: Home remedies for a hangover.

Why are children complaining of morning sickness??
Children and adolescents often go through phases in which they feel bad in the morning. Often, this is related to growth. If children grow quickly, it often results in low blood pressure, which in turn leads to a lack of oxygen in the brain.
In the morning, this problem often comes up most often because the children move from one state, lying down, to another, standing. Low blood pressure can cause nausea, dizziness, collapse and fainting during abrupt movements.
Such circulatory weakness is also shown by a wealth of other symptoms: fatigue, paleness, cold feelings, numbness in the limbs, problems concentrating and hypersensitivity to the weather.

It is typical that the symptoms start with getting up in the morning and not when those affected are still lying in bed. Straighten up, then it flickers before their eyes, and they feel sick in the stomach. Concerned people should drink a lot, water or tea. In addition, exercise in the fresh air helps to raise blood pressure. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)