Nausea in pregnancy is often a good sign

Combat nausea in case of pregnancy sickness naturally
Vomiting spoils many pregnant women early in the morning of the day. About three quarters of expectant mothers suffer from morning sickness. A few simple natural methods can help to deal with the problem. But in case of severe symptoms, medical help may be necessary.
Three quarters of all expectant mothers are affected
Many pregnant women do not have it easy. Despite the great anticipation of the offspring, their day is often clouded by nausea, which is associated with nausea. For some women, this even goes so far that they have to get sick for weeks. But even if the pregnancy sickness, which occurs in about three quarters of expectant mothers, is unpleasant and annoying, it is still a good sign. According to the dpa news agency, Kiel-based doctor Doris Scharrel, board member of the Professional Association of Gynecologists, said: „It indicates that the mother's immune system deals with the child's organism.“ In time, the woman's body learns to accept the child, which is basically a foreign body, for the next few months. „In women whose pregnancy ends in miscarriage, pregnancy sickness is much less common“, so the expert. Although it may not necessarily be an indication, malaise may also indicate a multiple birth.
Nausea in pregnancy is normal
The head of the unit Family Planning / Contraception at the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), Anke Erath, said: „The nausea in pregnancy is normal and not indicative of a disease.“ It is unclear why nausea and vomiting occur in some pregnant women and not in others. As a reason, among other hormonal changes in the female body are suspected. The complaints usually disappear from the fourth month. In addition, psychosocial factors such as stress, worry and strife could affect the duration and severity of vomiting. „It is also said that the likelihood of having severe vomiting during pregnancy is threefold if one's own mother has already been affected“, so Susanne Quell-Liedke from the German Midwives Association in Karlsruhe.
In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary
Basically, the nausea is classified as a normal side effect of a pregnancy, as long as it does not affect the health of the woman. However, if the pregnant woman vomits between five and ten times a day and loses more than five percent of her initial weight, she must be treated for medication. „Frequent vomiting can lead to dehydration and dangerously unbalance the acid-base balance of the body“, Scharrel explained. In particularly severe cases, a hospital stay may be necessary. Erath explained: „Infusions then reintroduce minerals and vitamins to the body.“ However, such cases of extreme nausea are rare during pregnancy. Experts believe that about two to three percent of women are affected by it. Prominent cases include the wife of British Prince William, Duchess Kate, when she was pregnant with Baby George. „Most affected women can do something about their ailments even without strong medications and infusions“, so source song.
Change diet to low-fat and light diet
For some women it is recommended to take over-the-counter nutritional supplements based on vitamin B6. Coffee, cigarettes and alcohol are absolutely taboo. „For some women, it does not help to eat anything in the morning and only drink lukewarm water, herbal or ginger tea, for example, until the nausea is over“, explained Scharrel. Since the nausea is more easily triggered by large meals than by small portions, the diet should be switched to frequent, small, low-fat and light meals. Some experts also point out that sufferers generally drink a lot and should abstain as much as possible on carbonated drinks. In addition, women should eat a snack before getting up, such as a rusk or biscuit. This is because a low blood sugar level favors nausea. „Generally, women should eat what they are hungry for“, means source song. The balanced diet can wait until the pregnant woman is better again.
Acupuncture and aromatherapy for pregnancy problems
Pregnant women should be alert to a lot of fresh air in their own home, as nausea is often triggered by certain odors. In addition, classic homeopathy may be a possibility in controlling pregnancy sickness. However, says Ursula Hilpert-Mühlig of the Association of German Naturopaths in Bonn: „However, there is no such thing as a patent remedy here, as naturopathy is always handled very individually.“ In addition, acupressure against the complaints offers. And with acupuncture can be about the mental tensions that often contribute to the nausea, be solved. Also, an aromatherapy, which treats the discomfort with essential oils, is sometimes recommended. „It is an ancient method to use the olfactory bulb in case of nausea“, explained source song. Which fragrance is the right one, knows your own nose. Some women like the scent of bergamot or tangerine and others prefer pomelo or peppermint. (Sb)