Treatment of fat legs

Treatment of fat legs / symptoms
The treatment of the swollen legs is basically to be aligned with the causative diseases. However, it is often possible to achieve a significant improvement in the short term by raising the feet. However, the causes of the complaints are not resolved in this way. Only the drainage of the blood is relieved, since this no longer has to be pumped towards the heart contrary to gravity. Even cold leg joints and foot exercises can have a positive effect on leg swelling, but also do not help their causes in the long term to remedy.

Treatment of venous disease

In the case of venous disease, raising the legs usually promises to reduce the excessive pressure in the vessels, which can significantly reduce the risk of further health problems. In a thrombosis, however, raising the legs has an opposite effect and the symptoms tend to increase. Also, exercise and physiotherapy to promote blood circulation and general strengthening of the cardiovascular system come as supportive measures in the context of the treatment of venous disorders into consideration. In addition, the reduction of possibly existing excess weight is usually part of the therapy. Also, tinctures, creams and ointments, for example, on horse chestnut-based, which is said to have a vasodilator and anti-inflammatory effect, can be used in less severe venous diseases. However, further measures are usually necessary to remedy the venous disease as the cause of swollen legs in the long term.

In the treatment of venous diseases so-called compression stockings are used more often, which build up an external pressure, thus favoring the blood drain and avoid the formation of leg swelling. In principle, compression stockings are available in a variety of designs for the treatment of varicose veins, calf or leg vein thrombosis, lymphedema and the so-called post-thrombotic syndrome (damage to the deep veins after a thrombosis). Diuretics are sometimes part of the therapy, but the fluid balance of patients should be given special consideration. Diuretics should only be used after medical consultation.

Therapy for varicose veins

If varicose veins are the cause of leg swelling, an operative procedure is relatively often performed, but depending on the severity, it can be performed in different ways. Thus, for example, superficial varicose veins sclerotherapy by laser or other methods is conceivable. For more severe varicose veins, however, interventions, such as the so-called crossectomy are used. The junction of the largest superficial leg vein is cut out into the main leg vein. This is followed frequently by so-called vein stripping in which the sections of the veins affected by varicose veins are excised and removed. After the vein stripping, those affected usually receive a compression stocking, which they should wear for several weeks. In addition, anticoagulants, such as those used to treat phlebitis, are often prescribed for a few days to minimize the risk of thrombosis.

Medical care of a venous thrombosis

If a diagnosis of venous thrombosis is established, treatment with the coagulation inhibitor heparin is usually performed directly to prevent blood clots from enlarging and to minimize the risk of pulmonary embolism. As soon as no further platelets are deposited on the clot, the body's own breakdown, the so-called fibrinolysis, of the thrombus can begin. The enzyme plasmin takes over the breakdown of the existing blood clots, however, thereby releasing substances that increase the blood clotting and thus bring the risk of renewed thrombosis. Therefore, even after eliminating the vein occlusion, patients continue to receive anticoagulant drugs (called coumarin derivatives), most of them only for a few months, but some of them their entire lives. This requires continuous medical checks. Because the blood clotting of patients is often so reduced that even minor injuries can bring a significant blood loss. There is also an increased risk of internal bleeding. Usually compression socks and bandages are also used in the course of the treatment of leg vein thrombosis. Furthermore, under certain circumstances, an operative elimination of the thrombus can take place.

Treatment of lymphatic disorders

Is an impaired lymph drainage The cause of the swollen legs, especially special massages, compressions and exercise exercises contribute to the reduction of swelling. If these physical measures are started at an early stage, the lymphatic drainage can eventually be fully stabilized again in the long term. However, if more extensive damage to the lymphatic vessels has already been reported, the treatment can only help alleviate the symptoms and must be repeated on a regular basis. In order to promote the removal of body fluid, so-called lymph drainage is a commonly used treatment method. In this form of decongestive therapy, the lymphatic drainage is stimulated by gentle massage. Even compression stockings and bandages are well suited for therapy in the case of lymphedema. In addition, physiotherapy can make a contribution to improving lymphatic drainage. If a bacterial infection such as erysipelas is the cause of lymphatic disorders, high-dose intravenous antibiotics are usually used.

However, the resulting lymphedema can not usually be treated with medication, but requires the above-mentioned physical therapies. At the same time, if inflammation or allergic reactions of the skin occur, some physicians prescribe concomitant cortisone or antihistamines. Surgeries also offer a way to combat lymphedema. However, doctors only resort to surgical measures such as lymphatic vessel transplantation (removal of healthy lymphatic vessels from the patient elsewhere and re-implantation to replace the damaged lymphatics) or the establishment of a vascular connection between lymphatic vessels and venules only in the case of failure of the aforementioned therapeutic approaches or tumors. As a rule, such serious interventions are not required, since usually on the basis of the physical treatment methods, a successful therapy of lymphatic disorders already succeeds.

Treatment approaches for heart failure

Even with chronic heart failure, the reduction of existing overweight, healthy diet and physical activity plays an essential role to counteract the worsening of the disease. In addition, there are drugs that support the heart in its function and / or regulate blood pressure. Furthermore, depending on the symptoms of chronic heart failure, sometimes diuretics are also used to drain fluid from the urinary tract. There is also the potential to lower blood cholesterol levels with medicines, such as statins, to prevent further impairment of cardiac function. If the blood flow slows down so much that there is a risk of thrombosis, anti-coagulant drugs may also be used in cases of chronic heart failure. Overall, a variety of drugs for the treatment of chronic heart failure available, but these should be used not least due to the threat of side effects with care.

In particularly severe forms of cardiac insufficiency, an operation may be required in which the constricted coronary arteries are dilated by a so-called balloon catheter. Subsequently, the implantation of a stent (vascular support) can prevent reocclusion of the vessels. A so-called bypass surgery may also be considered for chronic heart failure. The damaged coronary vessels are bypassed by an inserted vein or artery or appropriate vascular prostheses to ensure the blood supply to the heart muscle. Other surgical procedures that may be considered for chronic heart failure include surgery to correct heart valve defects (usually minimally invasive heart valve surgery), pacemaker implantations, and the use of defibrillators. In severe heart damage, heart transplantation may be the last option. Since heart failure usually develops over years and often with relatively simple countermeasures (healthy nutrition, exercise, abstinence from alcohol and tobacco) a worsening of the condition can be avoided, an early diagnosis is particularly important here.

Therapy for kidney disease

The first goal in kidney disease is to avoid further damage to the organ. This is also a reduction in blood pressure, a correct adjustment of blood sugar and the general renunciation of kidney-damaging substances (such as drugs) provided. Patients should also be careful to drink enough fluids and reduce their dietary intake of protein. Otherwise, the therapeutic measures should be geared to the causes of kidney complaints. Thus, for example, in an acute bacterial inflammation appropriate antibiotics are used. If, however, an autoimmune disease is the cause of kidney failure, drugs are used to suppress the immune response. If it is not possible to achieve relief with the help of the medication, those affected often only have dialysis (blood purification). In case of permanent damage to the kidneys, patients will need a lifetime of dialysis or a kidney transplant will be performed using a healthy donor organ.

Treatment of liver disease

In the case of liver diseases, a fundamental waiver of all cell-damaging substances - especially alcohol - is absolutely necessary. Also, a possibly existing vitamin deficiency should be compensated by taking appropriate preparations and possibly limiting protein intake. In principle, the necessary medical measures should be based on the causes of liver disease. For example, withdrawal therapy is recommended for alcohol addiction, whereas for hepatitis a medication is recommended against the virus. However, if the function of the organ can not be restored, only transplantation remains as a last resort. For the concomitant symptoms of liver diseases, such as the so-called ascites each separate treatment methods are provided.

Therapy for thyroid disorders

If the fat legs are caused by a thyroid disease, usually a drug treatment of the symptoms is indicated. In hypothyroidism, the missing thyroid hormones are replaced by medications such as levothyroxine to prevent further health problems. If the thyroid gland is permanently damaged and if enough hormones can not be permanently made available, the patients are dependent on the corresponding medicines throughout their lives. If it is suspected that acute inflammation of the organ is the cause of hypofunction, it will also be treated with medication. The dosage in which the thyroid hormones are to be taken varies individually depending on the clinical picture and should therefore be determined individually by the physician for each patient. Medical care is urgently needed, as in the case of hypothyroidism there are long-term risks of serious further, in the worst case fatal, health impairments.

In the case of hyperthyroidism, medical care primarily involves the use of so-called antithyroid drugs, with the aid of which hyperfunction is to be eliminated. Often, the medicines are enough to defeat the disease in the long term, but may also be here the lifelong use of drugs required. Under certain circumstances, the affected person may be threatened with an operation to remove a so-called goiter (also called goiter, visible enlargement of the thyroid gland) or the removal of knots in the tissue. Radioiodine therapy can also be used in the case of hyperthyroidism, whereby this method makes use of the fact that iodine - including radioiodine - is stored exclusively by the thyroid gland. Thus, a very high radiation dose can be achieved in the thyroid tissue, without burdening the rest of the organism disproportionately. Radiation exposure triggers programmed cell death, and thyroid function ideally returns to normal. However, the treatment does not always show the desired success.

Naturopathy with thick legs

In the naturopathic treatment of leg swelling are primarily measures to stimulate the outflow of body fluids from the legs and to eliminate runoff barriers used. However, if the swollen legs are based on a structural disease, this treatment method can hardly improve. Elevating the legs, Kneipp cures with cold leg joints, gymnastic exercises to strengthen the muscle pump (support of the blood circulation through the movements of the muscles), special breathing techniques and mechanical treatment methods such as osteopathy or so-called Rolfing are often part of a naturopathic treatment of the fat legs , Also active ingredients from the field of herbal medicine, such as the ingredients of the horse chestnut or the stone clover can be used here to strengthen the vessels and to support the lymphatic drainage. Massages to promote blood circulation and lymph drainage are also often part of the naturopathic treatment.

Also, deriving methods are used in naturopathy in the treatment of swollen legs occasionally. The range of homeopathic remedies for the treatment of fat legs is rather small, but here too there are possibilities. Thus, for example, the homeopathic active ingredient of the stone flower (Flor de piedra) is said to have a positive effect on venous stasis. Even proven home remedies for water in the legs have proven to be effective. All in all, experienced therapists have access to numerous naturopathic treatment methods that can be used to combat leg swelling. In case of emergency, however, further medical measures are essential to avoid life-threatening adverse effects on patients. (Fp)