Treatments for a herniated disc

Orthopedists know many alternatives to surgery
Violent back pain, often radiating into the arms or legs, is a typical manifestation of a herniated disc. Mostly sufferers also suffer from emotional disorders or paralysis of individual muscles. In most cases, permanent overloads and stress loads trigger the event that injures the protective sheath of the disc and pushes tissue out of the disc. This tissue then presses on a nerve. Contrary to all fears, however, there is no threat of surgery.

"80 percent of all intervertebral disk operations are medically unfounded. With the help of a well-founded, conservative therapy, these signs of wear and tear of the spine can usually be cured ", Dr. Ramin Nazemi, practicing orthopedist in Essen and board member of the medical network orthonet-NRW. So it is often enough to spare the back for about two weeks and temporarily relieve symptoms with appropriate medication. Afterwards, when the pain subsides, orthopedic surgeons recommend targeted movement therapy to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. Selected exercises for relaxation, stretching and strengthening restore the mobility in the back. Heat treatments, electrotherapy and other physical applications provide additional relief. "Combined in a sensible way, these orthopedic measures in many cases help refeeding intervertebral discs to water and nutrients and giving them back their elasticity," Dr. Nazemi.
However, if these therapy modules do not improve, special syringes are used under screen control. These relieve pain, allow the affected nerves to swell and dry out the damaged disc tissue. If the pain does not diminish or if the affected nerves show lasting damage that manifests itself in numbness or muscle weakness, surgery is required. During surgery, orthopedic surgeons remove the damaged disc tissue to relieve painful pressure on the nerves and spinal cord. Minimally invasive methods are the most frequently used by the surgeons. Their advantage lies in the fact that thanks to the smallest surgical tools, they hardly injure tissue and heal wounds faster. These gentle procedures are suitable for the treatment of acute and uncomplicated herniated discs. Outgrown tissue extending over multiple intervertebral spaces or causing pain for a long time sometimes requires an open, laborious operation. "However, an intervention does not protect against a new herniated disc", emphasizes Dr. med. Nazemi. "Pain may diminish or even disappear completely, but operated discs no longer have their original elasticity. In some cases even new signs of wear occur at the same spine height. "
For those who want to prevent another incident or at least want to avoid an operation, movement is on the plan. Optimum loading and unloading maintains the elasticity of the intervertebral discs. Consistent muscle building through sports exercises protects the spine like an endogenous corset and relieves strained discs. Relaxation techniques also improve long-term back health by loosening up cramped muscles and contributing to pain relief. Although these measures can not avoid age-related signs of wear, but at least mitigate the painful consequences. (Pm)