Eyes - Causes and Therapy

Blinking / twitching of eyelids
Involuntary twitching is in most cases a harmless complaint, which is perceived by those affected as extremely disturbing, especially since the eyelid can last for days. Fatigue and mental stress are considered to be the most frequent cause of the complaints, but in rare cases a very serious physical cause is hidden behind the eyes. A medical check-up is therefore recommended for long-lasting eyelid twitching and / or severe patient impairment due to involuntary blinking.
- Blinking / twitching of eyelids
- definition
- Symptomatology and causes
- diagnosis
- treatment
The symptoms of involuntary blinking should be differentiated from the usual eyelid movement (blinking), which is used to moisten and cleanse the eye and, as a rule, is not consciously controlled. When blinking, there is no complete eyelid, but the eyelid begins to tremble uncontrollably or twitch. Cause are so-called fasciculations, involuntary muscle twitching, which are referred to in the eyelid as Benigne fasciculations, since the complaints have most benign (benign) character. In a broader sense, tickling twitches of the eyelids, which involve a complete blinking of the eyelids - that is, the compression of the upper and lower eyelids - are also attributable to blinking.

Symptomatology and causes
In most cases, the eye twitching describes a movement of the eyelid muscles, which is barely visible from the outside, and which is perceived more clearly by those affected than it actually is. Only minimal twitching of the eyelids can be observed in these cases on closer inspection. Frequently, the symptoms focus on a lid. Fatigue, massive stress and other mental stress are known here as potential causes. Long work on the computer or the constant staring at the monitor is also associated with the twitching, the symptoms probably go back to the fatigue of the eye.
Also, impairments of the mineral balance may cause muscle twitching in the eyelid. As an example magnesium deficiency is mentioned. This not only leads to conspicuous complaints such as calf cramps, headaches, back pain or the falling asleep of the hands and feet, but can also cause fasciculations in a variety of muscles or muscle groups. A lack of magnesium is also associated with heart problems (for example, palpitations) and an increased risk of heart disease to heart attack. If there is a suspicion of a magnesium deficiency in view of the symptoms, a medical check is urgently recommended.
More pronounced involuntary movements of the eyelids can also occur as part of a so-called tic disorder (also tick disorder). For example, affected people pinch their eyelids, blinking or winking with one eye. To the causes of possible motor and vocal tic disorders is still known few. More complex forms can be observed, for example, in the Tourette syndrome, which can include not only uncontrolled movements, but also non-controllable vocalizations to whole sentences.
As a possible cause of the involuntary eyelid, neurological causes, such as a compression of the supplying nerves or even a disease of the brain are also to be considered. The eyelid is supplied by the facial nerve, facial nerve or facial nerve. Constriction of the nerve tracts due to changes in the blood vessels at the exit of the nerve in the brain can also disturb the transmission of stimuli in the nerve, promote increased non-controllable nerve discharges of the facial nerve and thus cause the eyelid twitching. This rare condition is called hemispasmus facialis. If there is structural damage to the brain, it may be that false signals are sent to the nerves, which can also manifest itself in the form of eyelid twitching. In some rare neurological disorders, the signaling of the nerves is so impaired that the muscles of the eyelids receive false signals for this reason. If the symptoms persist over a long period of time, occur repeatedly and / or have concomitant symptoms, you should seek urgent medical attention.
Eyes may appear after diving with oxygen cylinder as an early symptom of the so-called Paul-Bert effect, which is caused by the inhalation of a breathing gas mixture with high oxygen partial pressure. This causes poisoning of the central nervous system, which causes convulsions as well as accelerated heart rate, dizziness, headache, nausea, tinnitus and visual disturbances. In the further course, severe muscle cramps on the entire body and the affected may lose consciousness. Normalization of the oxygen partial pressure in the breathing gas mixture usually relieves the symptoms relatively quickly.
In the case of a medical examination, an intensive questioning of the patients about the symptoms that occur, their intensity and possible concomitant symptoms first take place. A subsequent blood test can provide information about possible deficiencies such as magnesium deficiency. For further examinations it is advisable to consult a specialist (neurologist), in order to rule out more serious illnesses as cause of the Augenzuckens. Modern imaging techniques such as a special magnetic resonance tomography serve here to determine existing impairments of the nervous system or in particular the detection of hemispasmus facialis. If no physical causes of the symptoms can be determined, a psychotherapeutic examination may possibly help and show connections with stress or inner tension.
A treatment is often relatively difficult in Benign fasciculations of the eyelid, as no specific physical cause of the symptoms can be determined and then corrected. Due to the connection with psychological stress, however, with the help of psychotherapy involuntary twitching can often achieve a significant relief or even a complete resolution of the symptoms. Learning techniques for avoiding and coping with stress (for example, autogenic training) is also often part of the therapy here. In the case of twitching in the form of a tic disorder, so-called behavioral therapy is often used successfully.
A magnesium deficiency and other deficiencies can usually be remedied by a change in diet, in case of emergency, however, are also higher doses of drugs from the pharmacy available. If a neurological disease is diagnosed as the cause of the symptoms, various remedies can be used to achieve relief of the eyelid. Here, for example, botulinum toxin injections (Botox injections) are used, which paralyze the supplying nerve and thus prevent the eye twitching. If a disease in the brain or hemispasmus facialis cause the twitching eyelid, surgery remains the last resort of treatment.
Herbal medicine and homeopathy provide various remedies for inner restlessness, nervousness and tension, which can have a very positive effect on involuntary twitching in the form of benign fasciculations. Noteworthy are, for example, passion flowers, hops and valerian from the field of medicinal plants, as well as Agaricus muscarius and potassium phosphoricum from the field of homeopathy. However, the means used should be reserved for experienced therapists, and prior medical examinations are needed to rule out the physical causes of blinking. (Fp)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)