Wincing These are the causes and therapies

If the eye twitches something is wrong. Involuntary eyelid twitching affects more and more people. Is it harmless or can serious illness hide behind it? We give answers.
Eyes are usually harmless
Ina S. (42) went to the doctor immediately, when practically out of nowhere a twitching occurred. "I was afraid that there was a bad illness behind it". The doctor could calm her down. He recommended adequate sleep and stress reduction. Although eyelid twitching is very annoying, but in most cases completely harmless. One reason for further treatment and diagnosis is only when other symptoms are added besides the fasciculation. This is the case, for example, when symptoms of paralysis, spasticity or sudden dizziness are noticed.

Only if further symptoms occur, further action needs to be taken
If these symptoms are added, those affected should consult a doctor in a timely manner, as the neurologist Prof. Gereon Nelles, board member of the Professional Association of German Neurologists, advises. If there are no other complaints, "blinking is not an expression of a disease of muscles or nerves. "Often it occurs in stress, a special stress or even fatigue," confirms Nelles.
However, the phenomenon is not completely explainable. From the point of view of the neurologist, there is no single remedy to get rid of the twitching of the eyes. "This can not be influenced with medication." Patients should not be discouraged. The fasciculation usually goes as fast as it has come. Relaxation exercises such as yoga or autogenic training could already help some sufferers.
The reasons are still unexplored
Cognitively, sufferers should realize that there are such twitching all over the body, which are usually noticed much less. "Why the twitch just occurs frequently on the eye, has not been studied." Scientists suspect that it is also the nature of the eyelid lies. The eye muscle is relatively large and the eyelid, in contrast, rather small. So the eyelid offers little resistance to the muscle. "Twitching on the strong thigh muscle therefore does not appear so quickly."
Help from naturopathy
In the field of natural medicine, passion flowers, hops and valerian have proven to reduce internal restlessness and stress. Agaricus muscarius and potassium phosphoricum from the field of homeopathy could also serve well in some patients. If there is a lack of minerals, potassium and magnesium supplements can also relieve the symptoms. But even without medicines disappears quickly. Distraction and stress reduction could usually help. (Sb)