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Fast-food food often also includes industrial chemicals

Chemicals enter our food from productionHave you eaten fast food in the last 24 hours? If so, then the level...

With a middle ear infection avoid air travel better

For middle ear inflammation avoid flightsThe stinging and pulling in the ear, which is usually associated with a middle ear...

Face chronic pain with your own health literacy

Study shows the influences of self-management on chronic pain Already Goethe realized: "By health I do not mean freedom from...

Strengthened with this TLC diet and lower the cholesterol faster

Diet change: Longer term with the TLC dietFor people who want to reduce their weight, a variety of nutritional approaches...

Toothache does not stand a chance with these five natural emergency aids

Natural remedies for toothache Almost everyone can confirm this: Toothache can become unbearable agony. Depending on the underlying cause, the...

With this Carb Cycling the simultaneous muscle building with fat loss can succeed better

Losing weight and building muscle through carb cyclingIf you want to build muscle and fat at the same time, you...

Rate with the technician health insurance doctors

The Techniker Krankenkasse enters the doctor navigator project of AOK and Barmer GEK 06/09/2011 The medical navigator Barmer GEK, AOK...

With the right storage, shelf life of Christmas spices can be extended

Cinnamon, cloves and co: Christmas spices are long-lasting due to proper storage In the Advent season, many people are busy...

With homeopathy on insured catch?

28/02/2013 Since this year, the AOK Bremen / Bremerhaven and the AOK Niedersachsen offer their insured homeopathy as a statutory...