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Natural superglue slime shot decoded as prey

Animal superglue decryptedScientists at the University of Kassel have decoded the mode of action of a recyclable, animal superglue. The...

Natural barrier against allergies discovered

Scientists of the Charité Berlin have succeeded in proving a body's own protection against allergies. They were able to show...

Natural protection Cranberry juice can greatly reduce antibiotic use

Ingredients in cranberries protect against infections, so we need fewer antibioticsExperts around the world are looking for ways to reduce...

Natural paste made from potatoes. That's how it's done

Probably nothing is so much associated with German cuisine as potatoes. The popular tuber fruit is not only suitable for...

Natural cocoa can protect against type 2 diabetes

Cocoa can help people with diabetes to better manage their condition?Physicians have long been looking for ways and means to...

Natural fountain of youth With this nutritional variant, it has been proven that the youth can last longer

Spermine-rich diet keeps people young longer For centuries, people have been searching for ways to preserve eternal youth. Last but...

Natural healthy hummus with valuable minerals and vitamins

Tasty and healthy: Oriental hummus contains many important mineralsIn the past, Hummus was known to most Germans only by visiting...

Natural switch for fat burning discovered

Chemical switch influences the fat burning of the bodyThere seems to be a kind of switch in the brain of...

Make natural cough syrup yourself

Cough syrup of the naturopathy from onions and black radish 06.12.2012 Pharmaceutically produced cough syrup does not have to be....