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New study Trusting the doctor reduces pain in the patient

Study shows: less pain at the doctor of trustResearchers have good news for people who are reluctant to go to...

New Study Daily a cup of tea can reduce the heart attack risk

Study: Regular tea drinkers have lower heart attack risk A US study found that people who drank a cup of...

New study Tai Chi & Co effective in cardiovascular diseases

Tai chi and qigong have a positive effect on patients with cardiovascular disease - on physiological and biochemical parameters as...

New statin studies significantly increase the risk of diabetes in older women

Physicians are studying the effects of statins on older womenThere have been discussions for some time about the use of...

New study Sports halves the prostate cancer mortality risk

Study: Run away from prostate cancerThose who do a lot of sports after being diagnosed with prostate cancer can almost...

New study How Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen our immune system

Through which metabolic pathways bacteria regulate inflammatory processes? In various studies, doctors have already found that omega-3 fatty acids prove...

New study painkillers and sugar in pregnancy can be very dangerous

Pregnant women should be wary of painkillers and sugarExpectant mothers should pay particular attention to what is on the menu...

New study sleep disorders significantly increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes

Problems sleeping can have serious health consequencesMany people around the world suffer from sleep problems. Insomnia not only affects the...

New study sleep aids could help stroke patients

Hope for Stroke Patients: Sleep Aid Helps Regenerate BrainEvery year, around 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. Many sufferers...