New study Tai Chi & Co effective in cardiovascular diseases

New study Tai Chi & Co effective in cardiovascular diseases / Health News
Tai chi and qigong have a positive effect on patients with cardiovascular disease - on physiological and biochemical parameters as well as on physical function, quality of life and depression. This is the result of a meta-analysis from China.

Tai Chi is also a good way for older people to keep their body and mind fit. (Image: Paul Hakimata /

The Chinese scientists evaluated 35 randomized trials that included patients with cardiovascular disease (15 studies), stroke (7 studies), and arterial and peripheral blood and blood pressure disorders (13 studies). The interviewee subjects regularly performed either Tai Chi, Qigong or similar exercise exercises. In addition, the results were each compared with a control group. The studies lasted between 5 weeks and one year, the intensity of the exercises was once a week to daily.

It was found that regular exercise routines of TCM significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to control group results, improved performance in the 6-minute walk test, significantly reduced triglyceride levels, improved quality of life, and decreased the rate of depression. The study can be found here.