New study How Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen our immune system

New study How Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen our immune system / Health News

Through which metabolic pathways bacteria regulate inflammatory processes?

In various studies, doctors have already found that omega-3 fatty acids prove beneficial to the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, these fatty acids also play an important role in the human immune system. Researchers are now exploring the metabolic pathways through which pathogenic bacteria affect inflammatory processes.

The researchers from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and the internationally recognized Harvard Medical School in Boston explained in their current study how omega-3 fatty acids keep the immune system fit. The experts published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Nature".

Fish is healthy, especially the contained omega-3 fatty acids. (Image: karepa /

What effect omega-3 fatty acids in the body?

Omega-3 fatty acids are an important part of a healthy diet. For example, omega-3 fatty acids are found in vegetable oil and fish and are considered essential food ingredients. The fatty acids promote the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, they play a major role in the immune system and provide the important building blocks for so-called inflammatory dissolving substances, which are also referred to as resolvins. For example, these resolvines promote the resolution of inflammatory responses due to microbial infection. The current study explains the underlying cellular mechanisms of the dissolution phase of inflammatory reactions.

Macrophages control the inflammatory process

During the research it could be determined that certain pathogenic bacteria have a specific influence on the function of special immune cells. These macrophages called immune cells thus control the entire process of inflammation using different fatty acids.

What exactly is inflammation??

"An inflammation is a defense reaction of the body to a harmful stimulus, such as invading pathogens or tissue damage," explains Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Werz from the University of Jena in a press release from the University. The goal of inflammation is to eliminate the harmful stimuli. In addition, destroyed and damaged tissue should be regenerated. "But it is necessary that both the triggering of the inflammatory process and its decay are regulated by the immune system," adds the expert.

How do you develop chronic inflammation??

If these processes are not balanced, there is a risk of chronic inflammation. Examples include arteriosclerosis or autoimmune diseases. In the study, the physicians observed that so-called pathogenic agents such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in opposite populations of macrophages trigger conflicting effects. M1 macrophages are mainly active in the inflammatory phase. The M1 macrophages stimulate the production of pro-inflammatory signaling substances (prostaglandins and leukotrienes).

M2 macrophages form inflammatory dissolving substances

There are also M2 macrophages, which are in the foreground during the decay process of inflammation, say the authors. These M2 macrophages are made by the bacteria that they increasingly inflammatory dissolving substances such as Resolvine, lipoxins, maresins, Protektine from the omega-3 fatty acids. The M1 macrophage interact with pathogenic germs has been known for some time, explain the researchers. However, a completely new finding is that bacteria stimulate M2 macrophages to release inflammatory substances from omega-3 fatty acids. "Activation of both phases of the inflammation makes sense, because the immune system ensures that after a successfully defended infection, the harmless bacteria are eliminated from the tissue and the inflammatory reactions are stopped", explains Prof. Dr. med. Oliver Werz.

Further research is needed

The question remains whether the results of the study can be used in the future for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. The new findings will therefore be used in further studies as part of a funding program of the Carl Zeiss Foundation. In addition, the experts of the Collaborative Research Center ChemBioSys also worked with the data of the current study to carry out a subproject on the modulation of macrophages by natural products. (As)