Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
Useful information about the natural treatment of diseases. Alternative medicine.
All articles - Page 77
Science cold helpful in losing weight? Wrong!
Energy decrypted: Cold does not help in the breakdown of fatty tissue In recent years, scientific research has suggested that...
Science Frequent consumption of grapes inhibits Alzheimer's
Grapes protect the human brain from the effects of Alzheimer'sMany people in the world are suffering from the effects of...
Science High coffee consumption can be healthy
Of course, daily coffee drinking is part of it for most people. Many even drink a cup several times a...
Science Is there a life after that? Found genes are activated only after death
Breakthrough Discovery: Some genes are still active for days after deathSurely many people have wondered if there is a kind...
Science finds new genes for a longer life
Physicians are studying the effects of certain genes on life expectancy Most people certainly hope to reach old age as...
Science reveals Methuselah genes
Science: Researchers discovered Methusalem genes. The genes are responsible for a long life. (04.07.2010) Researchers are the first to discover...
Science Down syndrome even in chimpanzees - already discovered the second case
Down syndrome is a chromosome defect in humans. Human cells usually contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, a total of 46....
Science The Struwwelpeter is in the genes
Researchers identify the genetic cause of Struwwelpeter syndromeThe Struwwelpeter is known from the fairy tale of the same name for...
Science confirmed Several people have their names literally displayed
Many people are similar to their own nameIt is said again and again that dog owners often look similar to...
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