Science Frequent consumption of grapes inhibits Alzheimer's

Science Frequent consumption of grapes inhibits Alzheimer's / Health News
Grapes protect the human brain from the effects of Alzheimer's
Many people in the world are suffering from the effects of Alzheimer's and medical professionals have long been looking for ways to fight the disease. Researchers now found that daily consumption of grapes protects the brain from rapid Alzheimer's.

Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles found in their study that consuming grapes protects people from the effects of Alzheimer's disease. The American experts published the results of their study in the journal. "Experimental Gerontology".

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The regular consumption of grapes has a protective effect
The study of a pilot study showed that the consumption of grapes protects people from an early memory decline. Alzheimer's disease is a brain disease that leads to a slow decline in memory and cognitive ability, experts explain. The current study examined the effects of grapes on isolated compounds. Regular consumption of grapes is therefore associated with a protective effect against the effects of Alzheimer's disease, explains author Daniel Silverman of the University of California.

Neurological and cardiovascular health benefits from the consumption of grapes
Grapes provide benefits for neurological and cardiovascular health, explain the researchers. Nevertheless, further clinical studies with larger groups of subjects are needed to study the effects closely. However, a grape-enriched diet appears to protect against the decline in metabolic activity. Low metabolic activity in certain areas of the brain is a typical sign of early stages of Alzheimer's disease, explain the physicians. A grape-enriched diet also increases metabolic activity in other areas of the brain. This type of diet leads to individual improvements in attention and memory performance compared to non-grape-eating people, the researchers add.

Structure of the study
In the study, participants with an early memory decline were randomly divided into two separate groups. Either they received a grape powder, which corresponded to the amount of two cups of grapes daily, or a polyphenol-free placebo powder, which was adjusted in taste and appearance on grapes. The cognitive performance was measured at the beginning of the study and six months later, explain the physicians. Changes in brain metabolism were assessed by so-called brain scans. These too were performed at the beginning of the study and six months later.

Grape consumption primarily helps people in the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease
The measured results showed that eaten grapes can maintain healthy metabolic activity in regions of the brain. This especially helps people in the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease. During this time, a so-called metabolic decline takes place, explain the experts. When the participants did not consume grapes, they showed a significant metabolic decline in just those regions.

What do polyphenols do??
So-called polyphenols help the body to promote oxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. Previous research has already suggested that grapes can help support brain health. This happens in many ways, for example, a reduction of oxidative stress in the brain, say the scientists. In addition, the healthy blood flow in the brain is promoted, whereby sufficient inflammatory endogenous compounds in the brain can be maintained. (As)