Alternative medicine and methods of treatment of diseases.
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All articles - Page 752
PKV wants to save costs for doctors' fees
The PKV is currently arguing with physicians about steadily rising fees. The cost of outpatient treatment has increased since 2001...
PKV no longer wants to offer low-cost tariffs
The new unisex tariffs make private health insurance for new customers considerably more expensive 16/12/2012 The contributions of private health...
PKV wants capital-covering care
Private health insurers are in favor of funded care09/11/2013 The Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV) has spoken out in...
PKV change does not always make sense
The change to private health insurance (PKV) is not always useful. (22.07.2010) The Federal Government plans to facilitate the change...
PKV Full reimbursement for Hartz IV recipients
Privately insured recipients of Hartz IV benefits are entitled to PKV contributions in full 18/01/2011 So far, the job centers...
PKV refuses homeopathy reimbursement
Private health insurance reimbursement homeopathic medicines 25/01/2012 Private health insurance companies occasionally refuse to reimburse homeopathic medicines - with different...
PKV distribution methods in places unserious
The distribution methods of the private health insurance are in places dubious 26/04/2011 The Chief Executive Officer of the German...
PKV Association sees no losses
The private health insurance association sees no losses: As reported on the weekend, according to press reports, 10 out of...
PKV Unisex fares hardly cheaper
Unisex rates of private health insurance are hardly cheaper for women 02/09/2012 Advocate General of the European Court of Justice...
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