PKV wants capital-covering care

PKV wants capital-covering care / Health News

Private health insurers are in favor of funded care


The Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV) has spoken out in favor of a new funded provision as health policy changes. The planned civil insurance could not handle the problems.

Problems due to demographic change
At present, the course is set new in German health policy. The Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV) has now clearly advocated for funded care. According to them, the problem of demographic change can not be overcome by a pay-as-you-go system, such as that provided by the Bürgerversicherung. According to PKV chairman Uwe Laue, the number of people in need of care will almost double by the year 2050 to more than 4 million, while at the same time the number of people able to work will fall by about 17 million.

Current coalition negotiations
„Who should then pay the higher expenses“, warned Laue at a press conference in Berlin. Referring to the current coalition negotiations, he pointed out that in a statutory social security no capital cover is possible. „The money would never be safe from a political misappropriation, as several examples from the past prove“, so Laue. Long-term provision could only secure claims under private law. Besides, these would really remain untouched for decades.

Request concert of private health insurance
The chairman of the PKV calls on the politicians to make it easier for more citizens to enter private health insurance. A reduction of the compulsory insurance ceiling from the current 53,550 euros to 48,600 euros is required from 2014. And supplementary insurance should again be offered exclusively by the private health insurance.

Demands of the Social Democrats rejected
Although the association emphasized its reform efforts in principle, they nevertheless seem to have to be called into question. For example, the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV) vigorously rejected the demands of the Social Democrats, according to which members of the private health insurance companies should be allowed to take their retirement provisions with other providers. „Portability does not solve a problem but would be a socio-political high-risk experiment“, so Laue.

Make the insurance more friendly
However, one of the goals of the private health insurance scheme is to make the tariff-changing law within the respective companies more insured. However, PKV Director Volker Leienbach emphasized in this context that the bill of exchange law was only included in the treaties since 2009. It is therefore not possible for private insured persons with a previous contract to take their aging provisions with them when changing them. (Ad)

Picture: Ronny Richert