PKV change does not always make sense

PKV change does not always make sense / Health News

The change to private health insurance (PKV) is not always useful.

(22.07.2010) The Federal Government plans to facilitate the change from statutory health insurance (GKV) to private health insurance (PKV). By increasing the health insurance premiums, many insureds think about switching from GKV to private health insurance. But be careful, a change in the PKV is associated with some risks and could later be more expensive than planned. The Association of Insured (BdV) also warns against a hasty change, as a private health insurance is not always cheaper, even if the private health insurer with introductory offers lure. Because in old age and when children come to family planning, a private health insurance is often more expensive.

Private health insurance companies like to attract with cost-effective offers. First, it looks as if a PKV would be cheaper than a regular statutory health insurance. Even if the statutory health insurance companies increase their contribution rates from January 2011 to 15.5 percent of the gross salary, private insurance is often more expensive over time. As the Federation of insured announced, these offers are actually only cheaper for young adults without children. Because PKV´s do not count on income their contributions, but on risk and supply. But if important factors change, higher contributions result.

For example, private health insurance is not included in the PKV. This means that unemployed spouses or children can not be insured. Lilo Blunck, CEO of the Association of insured admonishes: "But as soon as offspring comes, it will be expensive, because unlike the statutory health insurance, the private no contributory co-insurance, for example, for children." For children then separate health insurance PKV must be completed. If the spouse is insured in the GKV, but earns less than the privately insured, so then no family insurance at the GKV is done. Only in the opposite case, children can be co-insured with the GKV insured parent.

In addition, as the age increases, so do the contributions. If one gets chronically ill at the age, then the contributions of the PKV continue to move upwards. So it can easily happen that the PKV contributions double or even triple. Therefore, a change should be carefully considered. In addition, you should first compare all offers exactly. Once you have changed, the way to the statutory health insurance is closed forever. (Sb)

Also read:
Easy change to private health insurance?
Warning about change in PKV low rates
Now change to private health insurance?
Health insurance contributions are increased

Picture: Margot Kessler