All articles - Page 656

Pleurisy - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

A pleurisy, also referred to as pleurisy, and referred to in the jargon as pleurisy, is a serious condition that...

Rib blockage - symptoms, causes and treatment

Rib blockages: what can help? Rib blockages can be a very painful affair for sufferers. In addition, you affect natural...

Ringelblumensalbe- application and benefits

The marigold (calendula) is undoubtedly one of the most popular medicinal plants. Especially marigold ointment is world famous for its...

Rings under the eyes - dark circles causes and home remedies

Eyes under the eyes are a very common phenomenon and can quickly become an aesthetic problem for sufferers. The shadows...

Bovine tuberculosis has been demonstrated in Saarland

Tuberculosis in cattle in the Saarland 05/14/2014 In the Saarland, the infectious disease tuberculosis was found in a slaughtered cattle....

Cattle disease in the district of Donau-Ries

Hundreds of animals infected with BHV1 bovine disease 04/19/2012 Numerous cattle have been infected with bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) in...

Bovine TBC transmissible through raw milk to humans

Spreading of the bovine TBC in the Allgäu causes concern to the authorities02/07/2013 For a long time, Germany was considered...

Giant bear claw can cause skin reactions

Riesenbärenklau can cause skin reactions: The Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture has stated in a press release that the giant...

Giant baby mother gives birth to 6.4 kilos baby

USA: Woman gives birth to 6.4 kilos baby02/10/2015 One woman gave birth to a 6.4-kg baby in the US. She...