Cattle disease in the district of Donau-Ries

Cattle disease in the district of Donau-Ries / Health News

Hundreds of animals infected with BHV1 bovine disease


Numerous cattle have been infected with bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) in the northern Swabian district of Donau-Ries, which can lead to significant health impairments such as fertility disorders or potentially fatal respiratory diseases.

As the district of Donau-Ries reported in a recent press release, the dangerous bovine epidemic has been detected in two farms. In a fattening farm in Alerheim and a dairy herd in Balgheim, therefore, animals have become infected with BHV1. A restricted area was established around the affected areas. Since June 2010, the district of Donau-Ries „as BHV1-free“, but „Unfortunately, it has come to the two new outbreaks“, so the official communication.der authorities.

New outbreak of the cattle epidemic in the district of Donau-Ries
240 cows have been infected with the bovine epidemic in the two farms in the district of Donau-Ries and must be slaughtered in the coming days. In addition, cattle may only be removed with permission from the established restricted areas. Although bovine herpes virus 1 is harmless to humans, other cattle, goats and sheep are at risk of serious health risks, according to the authorities. How the animals in the fattening farm and the dairy herd have become infected with the pathogens, is so far unclear, but since the district since 2010 and Bavaria has been since October 2011 as BHV1-free. Environmental studies have been initiated and initial evidence for possible routes of infection collected, but clear results are not yet available. Whether there may be a link between the infections in the two farms, which are around ten kilometers apart, is currently also being investigated.

Farmers must report BHV1 infections
The district of Donau-Ries currently advises everyone in view of the spread of the bovine epidemic „Farmers in the Ries urgently need to exercise extreme caution when buying or completely refrain from doing so.“ Too should „external persons (veterinarians, insemination technicians, cattle dealers, etc.) before entering the stable necessarily clean boots and clean protective clothing “ tighten, so the warning of the authorities. Since the BHV1 infection of cattle is a notifiable disease, must be contacted in case of suspected outbreak of the disease immediately the district veterinary, said the district Donau-Ries. For example, there are signs of BHV1 infection „Upper respiratory tract disorders (in the nose and trachea) associated with high fever (40 - 42 degrees Celsius) and serous nasal discharge mixed with blood“, explains the district in its press release. If farmers find symptoms in their stock, contact a veterinarian immediately. (Fp)

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Picture credits: Joujou