Giant bear claw can cause skin reactions
Riesenbärenklau can cause skin reactions: The Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture has stated in a press release that the giant hogweed (also: Herkulesstaude) spreads dangerously and can cause combustion-like symptoms on the human skin.
The Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture has stated in a press release that the giant hogweed (also: Herkulesstaude) is spreading dangerously and can cause symptoms similar to burning on the human skin. Therefore, the Chamber of Agriculture advises to completely rob the plant before blooming and to let dry on a foil substrate. Otherwise, the plant can grow up to four meters with its flower stems by summer. Once this is done, only the mending will help. However, it is best to wear protective clothing and respiratory protection that cover the face and hands as well.
The Giant Bear Claw (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is on the rise in Europe. Originally it comes from the Caucasus and spreads quite fast in Europe. The plant has fine hairs, which can cause skin reactions by so-called furanocoumarins on contact with humans by UV light. In connection with UV light it should come even to whitish and combustion-like reactions. It is best to react immediately with the use of soaps and water in the affected areas, lubricate with sunscreen and to avoid the direct sun a few days later. If the skin symptoms do not disappear or get better after two to three days, medical attention should be sought. It was not for nothing that the plant was voted "Poison Plant of the Year 2008" in 2008. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 04.04.2010)