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Tick ​​virus and venereal diseases are becoming more common

Current annual report shows worrying increase in infectious diseases In Saxony, the number of sexually transmitted diseases increased significantly in...

Tick ​​bites Ticks can transmit extremely rare but very dangerous Powassan virus

Doctors warn of dangerous Powassan feverIf you are one of those people who like to walk, hike, or stay in...

Tick ​​bites difficult to detect as an accident at work

LSG Erfurt: Location and time of the bloodsucker attack must be clearWorkers must be able to determine the location and...

Tick ​​bites can be dangerous to protect yourself effectively

Expert tips: Protection against ticks on green areas and in the garden Ticks can transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as...

Note tick marks in the calendar

Beware of tick bites: What should be considered in a tick biteThose who travel in nature should protect themselves from...

Tick ​​bark Ticks also hide in native gardens

Ticks are also lurking in gardens. Preventive measures are important to protect against theft.The garden as a home resort is...

Tick ​​bite Only safe sex protects against ticks

"Summer, sun, tick bite": When the summer days are warm, then many couples can imagine having sex outdoors as well....

Tick ​​bites cause hundreds of Lyme disease cases

Active bloodsuckers: Tick bites lead to hundreds of Lyme disease cases09/08/2014 Ticks were unusually early this year because of the...

tick bite

tick bite Probably it is due to the long residence time of the ticks at the host, that is the...