tick bite

tick bite
Probably it is due to the long residence time of the ticks at the host, that is the majority of the tick bite. For parasitologists, however, it is a clear case that ticks sting with their special mouth tool, much like a brake does. Both terms are meanwhile used synonymously, among medical laymen, however, the "tick bite" is much better known.
Ticks transmit not only the very publicized TBE (early summer meningoencephalitis) but also many other diseases such. B. Lyme disease (Lyme disease). The enlightenment in this area is unfortunately still not progressing far. Many symptoms are easily linked to another disease and a laboratory examination usually gives no precise information about an infection.
tick bite
Biology of the tick
Ticks transmit diseases
Protection against ticks & measures of naturopathy
Sources and further literature

Tick biting disease, Tick bite, Tick bite, Tick, TBE, Lyme disease, Early summer meningoencephalitis, Meningitis, Flavi viruses, Rickettsia, Tick bite fever, Host, Erythema migrans, Common wood buck, Wood buck, Tail, Disease carrier, Ixodida.
Biology of the tick
The tick (Ixodida) belongs to the arachnida class, which accounts for its eight legs. Worldwide there are about 900 species of ticks, in this article of the common wooden buck, a Schildzecke, the speech is.
The 8-legged animals go through three stages of development (larva, nymph, adults) and are between 2.5 mm and 12 mm long depending on gender, stage and filling state (blood meal). To reach a new stage, the tick sheds its skin after a blood meal. The fertilized females lay up to 2,000 eggs per clutch.
Contrary to the belief that ticks fall from the trees and only in the summer, let's say that ticks are hidden in the ground at below 7 - 10 ° C and are otherwise active. Ticks, the z. B. in the Christmas time with Tannzweigen o. Ä. Get into the house at the appropriate temperatures of course, active. Ticks are generally found everywhere in nature and avoid heights over 1.20 - 1.50 m. Often they hide to find hosts z. B. on garments.
Ticks transmit diseases
During the act of sucking up blood by the tick, the latter picks up the pathogens in their hosts or releases them to other hosts. In a sting, she uses her saliva, which has an anesthetic effect and inhibits both blood clotting and inflammation, via the saliva the pathogens get into the blood. In this case, various viruses and / or bacteria can be transmitted.
The flavi virus is z. Bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi causes Lyme borreliosis, Francisella tularensis tularemia, Rickettsia and its subgroups tick bite fever, Wolhynian fever, ehrlichiosis or Q fever. A tick can carry more than one of the pathogens and pass it on, so it can lead to double infections.
Protection against ticks & measures of naturopathy
There is no 100% protection against ticks, as they are found everywhere in nature and are usually overlooked because of their size.
Vaccination in Germany is only possible against the TBE, not as often assumed, against the tick bites themselves. However, there are preventive measures that can reduce the likelihood of a sting.
In the nosode therapy, a special naturopathic treatment, some means for the prophylaxis and for the control of the diseases are available. For example, some pharmacies offer a prophylactic combination of the tubers FSME, Borrelia, tick bite fever and tick in the potencies D6 and D30, which can be used for prophylaxis for humans and animals.
Very important is especially after gardening, forest walks u. a. Specific search of the body and clothing, especially in dark areas (armpits, genital area, knees, etc.). The pets should not be forgotten, because these are often attacked by ticks or carry them into the house.

Should you ever be stung by a tick, it should be removed as soon as possible. It is important to ensure that the tick is not processed with nail polish, glue or the like, as it has in the resulting death struggle increased salivation and the pathogens passes on. Most suitable is the use of ether or Histofreezer®.
Earlier it was recommended to turn out the tick, also it is not recommended. Rather, the ticks should be pulled straight out with tweezers or ticks (available at the pharmacy). The visit of a doctor or naturopath is recommended after a tick bite. (Ay)
Sources and further literature
Tick bites, diseases and treatment options, Elfie Fust, ISBN: 3-927099-66-X
Other articles on the topic:
Lyme Disease: Incapacitated by tick bite?
Prevention: Do not panic with ticks