All articles - Page 342

Tennis, horse riding or swimming. Which sports extend the life expectancy?

Sport does not mean sports - how strong is the impact on life expectancy?Generally, most sports are considered healthy. However,...

Tendovaginitis stenosans

Professional activities with the hands such as working on the computer or professional piano playing lead to considerable stress on...

Tendovaginitis de Quervain

So-called tendonitis can occur in different parts of the body. A special form is the Tendovaginitis de Quervain, which is...

Temperature fall Weather change has a greater impact on the risk of stroke

Weather change: temperature drops increase stroke riskIt has long been known that hypertension, overweight or smoking are factors that increase...

Telomerase gene therapy prolonged life time

Gene therapy prolonged the life of mice 05/17/2012 The desire for eternal life has been described time and again in...

Telgte practice for Cranio Sacrales Balancing

Practice for Craniosacral BalancingKing Street 1148291 TelgteTel: 02504 737152Emial: [email protected] Main activities of the healing practice: Diagnosis and therapy based...

Telgte practice for cranio-sacral balancing

Practice for Craniosacral BalancingKing Street 1148291 TelgteTel: 02504 737153Email: [email protected] Main activities: Natural healing practice uses methods from natural medicine...

Telemedicine becomes an important part of health care

Of course, telemedicine will be in the German healthcare system in the futureTelemedicine will become an important part of health...

Telemedicine project at the Children's Clinic Anklam

Telemedicine should compensate for a lack of specialists 08/29/2014 Telemedicine is now also being used in the children's clinic Greifswald....