Tennis, horse riding or swimming. Which sports extend the life expectancy?

Generally, most sports are considered healthy. However, an international research team has now found that some sports have particularly positive effects on health, while others have no effect.
In the current study, the research team headed by Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis from the University of Sydney examined the impact of various sports on health and life expectancy. Swimming, aerobics, tennis and similar backcountry sports are therefore the most effective against deaths from cardiovascular disease. The scientists have published their findings in the journal "British Journal of Sports Medicine".

Different effects on the risk of fatal cardiovascular disease
In the large-scale cooperation between the Universities of Sydney, Oxford, Edinburgh, the UKK Institute in Finland, the Institute of Sports Science at the University of Graz and several other universities, the international research team headed by Prof. Stamatakis has made the impact of various sports more lethal cardiovascular disease.
Data from more than 80,000 subjects studied
The scientists used the data from eleven UK representative cohort studies from 1994 to 2008 to look at possible associations between exercise in six different sports / exercise disciplines and mortality. In total, 80,306 adults with a mean age of 52 years were included in the study. In the cohort examinations the participants had also given information about their physical activity and the intensity of the exercises (question such as: were they out of breath or very sweaty?).
Soccer and jogging without positive effect?
For the sports of cycling, swimming, aerobics, football, jogging and the kickback sports tennis, squash and badminton, the researchers analyzed possible effects on life expectancy. It was found that compared to study participants who had not participated in the corresponding sport, the general risk of death in the flashback sports was 47 percent lower, swimming by 28 percent lower, aerobics by 27 percent and lower cycling by 15 percent lower. For football and jogging, no comparable effects were found.
Swimming, aerobics and tennis are especially healthy
Based on the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, the researchers found a reduction of 56 percent in the return sports, 41 percent in swimming and 36 percent in aerobics, according to the researchers. Cycling, football and jogging did not have a positive effect here.
Determine the benefits of individual sports more accurately
"Our results show that it's not just how much and how often sports are done, but also what kind of exercise you do," said Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis. Participation in certain sports can have various health benefits. These observations should be used to determine and implement effective health-promoting exercise programs and physical activity, said the study leader. (Fp)