All articles - Page 274

Examining chocolate ensures a healthy heart

According to a new study, people who eat more chocolate have a lower risk of suffering a heart attack or...

Radon's study helps against rheumatoid arthriris

New study confirms success in 90 percent of patients Those who speak colloquially of rheumatism, usually means the disease rheumatoid...

Investigation Detectably higher life expectancy due to Mediterranean food

Mediterranean cuisine as a recommendation for a long, healthy lifeThe Mediterranean diet has some health benefits compared to our domestic...

Examination Is our maximum life expectancy higher than 115 years?

Physicians are sparking new discussion about the maximum human lifespanThe maximum life expectancy of people has greatly increased in recent...

Examining coffee can reduce stress

Caffeine counteracts chronic stressCoffee or caffeine helps against chronic stress. An international research team led by Manuella Kaster from the...

Investigation More and more breast cancer cases in men

Men can also get breast cancer and die from itUnfortunately, breast cancer is a widespread disease. Women in particular often...

Examination Frequently sauna prevents strokes

How do you impact sauna sessions on the risk of stroke?? Especially in the advancing age people try to protect...

Investigation Hot drunk black tea protects our eyes

Caffeinated tea reduces the risk of glaucoma (Green Star) Hot caffeinated tea apparently has a positive effect on the eyes....

Examine A healthy breakfast improves grades at school

Cereals, fruits and yoghurt increase the chance of getting good grades Experts have long been recommending that children should have...