Examination Is our maximum life expectancy higher than 115 years?

The maximum life expectancy of people has greatly increased in recent decades. Researchers now found that human life could far exceed previous predictions. A previous study had estimated the upper limit of life expectancy at 114.9 years. However, recent research has shown that there is no evidence of an upper life limit. The experts came to the conclusion that such a limit was at least not to be settled at 115 years.
Researchers at McGill University found in their study that the upper limit of human life expectancy is not 115, as researchers have recently claimed. The upper limit of human life actually seems to be even higher. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Nature".

Previous study met with extraordinary criticism
The current research is in response to the study that ranked the longevity limit at 114.9 years. This claim aroused tremendous criticism in the scientific community, say the authors. Subsequently, different research teams started their work to refute the results.
There is no evidence of reaching an upper limit of life expectancy
Together, the experts concluded that there is no compelling evidence of reaching an upper limit on life expectancy in humans. In any case, such a limit would be well over 115 years, the researchers emphasize.
Is there an upper limit on life expectancy at all??
The results do not indicate a possible lifetime limit, the authors explain. If there were such a limit, this would be over 120 years. Or maybe there is no upper limit, the experts add. The authors of the previous investigation reacted to these statements with doubt and suspicion.
Results of the previous study were simply wrong
The original study used data from the International Database on Longevity. The researchers found that the maximum age of death between 1970 and the early 1990s had increased rapidly. In the mid-1990s, the maximum life expectancy seemed to have leveled off at 114.9 years. The current research, however, concluded that the previous conclusions are wrong. According to the scientists, there is no upper life limit at 115 years.
A preprogrammed length of life seems implausible
One of the main reasons for doubting the original results was that although in the period around 1995 there was only a slight increase in lifespan, in 1997 the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment died at the age of only 122. The idea that our internal biological clock is preprogrammed for a certain length of life seems quite implausible, explain the authors of the current study. (As)